| Willy Brandt School of Public Policy

We’re back with the Commitment Award 2022!

Willy Brandt himself represented social change. The Commitment Award seeks to build on his legacy by awarding fascinating, new social projects. In 2022, the Engagementpreis Foundation is supporting the 11th Commitment Award at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy. Applications opens on April 4 and close on May 15. The Award Ceremony will take place in Erfurt on July 7.

The Commitment Award is a yearly prize for fascinating, new social projects. Willy Brandt himself represented social change, which was reflected in his social and political reforms. He believed that policy was worthless if policy makers did not have a specific purpose or goal in mind when creating it.

In the multicultural and diverse setting of the Brandt School, the Commitment Award seeks to give students and alumni the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned and to create new social initiatives here in Erfurt and around the world.

  • Do you have an idea for an outstanding social project but lack any seed funding?
  • Do you need more publicity for your project or idea?

Then apply for the Commitment Award at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy!

Three winning projects will be chosen at the annual award ceremony in July, after an evaluation of the applications by a jury of experts. This jury thereby considers the questions: How charitable is the project? How much potential and sustainability is incorporated into the project? Will the prize money be used responsibly and effectively? Is the project likely to be actualized?

The best three projects will be awarded EUR 1,000 each which will then be spent to further develop and implement the project idea.

  • Applications for 2022 open on April 4 and close on May 15
  • The Award Ceremony will take place in Erfurt, Germany, on July 7, 2022

Interested? For all information about the 2022 award and the application process, visit:
