| Internal service, Service

Training videos for financial management in the ERP system

A new course on "Basic training for financial management in the MACH ERP system" is now available in the Moodle e-learning portal of the University of Erfurt.

Here, university financial management staff have the opportunity to learn the most important basics of using the MACH ERP system through self-study, with the help of training videos.

Link to the Moodle course: https://elearning.uni-erfurt.de/course/view.php?id=13329. The enrollment key for the course is: ERP_Schulung01

further information / contact:

Philipp Tölle-Dittmann
Specialist administrator for the ERP software
(Department 5: Planning, Controlling and Procurement )
Verwaltungsgebäude / Raum 1.27