The Kierkegaard Research Unit at the Max-Weber-Kolleg of the University of Erfurt coordinates, under the direction of PD Dr. Markus Kleinert and Prof. Dr. Hermann Deuser, the research work on the German Søren Kierkegaard Edition (DSKE), which has been published by De Gruyter since 2005 and of which seven of the planned eleven volumes with Kierkegaard's journals and notes are now available. This translation, editing and publication work is accompanied by research on Kierkegaard in the field of tension between theology, philosophy and literary studies, which is reflected in conferences and publications.
As can be seen from the current annual report of the Kierkegaard Research Unit, the main focus in 2022 was on translation and editing for the eighth DSKE volume, which is to be published this year. It contains the journals marked by Kierkegaard with the abbreviations NB21 to NB25 and will be edited by Prof. Dr. Joachim Grage (University of Freiburg) and PD Dr. Kleinert. In addition, the main emphasis was on editing articles for the "Kierkegaard Handbook".
In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt (University of Tübingen) and Prof. Dr. Heiko Schulz (Goethe University Frankfurt), the focus continued to be on the preparation of the next Kierkegaard-Colloquium, which will take place in Bad Herrenalb on December 15 and 16, 2023.
The positive response to Markus Kleinert's habilitation thesis "Andere Klarheit. An Essay on Transfiguration in Art, Religion, and Philosophy" led to a series of book presentations and follow-up projects. These included lectures in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Greifswald, Berlin, Tübingen, and Toulouse, as well as a joint event with colleagues in Sofia. Together with PD Dr. Andreas Pettenkofer (Max-Weber-Kolleg, University of Erfurt), Kleinert also led a working group on Weber's lecture "Science as a Profession" at the workshop "Rationalization: What is the relevance of Max Weber's question today?" held at Max-Weber-Kolleg on April 5, 2022.
The German Søren Kierkegaard Edition is based on the new Danish edition Søren Kierkegaard's Skrifter (SKS), which publishes all of Kierkegaard's writings in 55 volumes (23 text and 22 commentary volumes) according to modern edition-philological standards and is accompanied by an extensive real commentary. The DSKE offers the text of SKS in careful translation as well as an adapted commentary.