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The future of lectures

The University of Erfurt's eTeach team cordially invites all lecturers to a new series of events on the "Future of Lectures". The inaugural event will take place on Thursday, 20 January 2022, from 2.15 to 5 p.m. as a digital format.

In the past digital and hybrid semesters, we have experienced that lectures can also be held at a distance in terms of space and/or time with the help of digital tools and platforms. Even though the Corona pandemic continues to keep us on our toes and normal university operations are not (yet) in sight, the question now is how lectures can and should be designed in the future on the basis of these experiences:

  • Which approaches and concepts have proven successful and could also be enriching for lectures in a post-pandemic era?
  • How can 'classic' face-to-face lectures be enriched by media support - also or especially against the background of heterogeneity-sensitive teaching?
  • How can we successfully design the lecture format from the point of view of higher education didactics? To what extent are concepts such as flipped classroom or other blended learning scenarios useful?
  • What technical possibilities and support structures does the University of Erfurt currently offer and to what extent are there further needs?  

The eTeach team invites lecturers at the University of Erfurt who give or will give lectures to enter into a collegial exchange about this, to actively and critically reflect on the lecture format from a (media) didactic point of view and to help shape the future of lectures at the University of Erfurt.

In addition to intensive collegial exchange, topic-specific external expertise will be brought in as needed. Participants will be able to explore - also on site - the media technology options for supporting and implementing lectures. In addition, specific introductions will be offered.

At the opening event, lecturers from the University of Erfurt will present good practice examples for the design of lectures. These will provide an introduction to the topic and give impulses for (further) discussion. In addition, there will be an insight into the (new) media technology possibilities at the University of Erfurt with regard to the digitally supported implementation of lectures.