Conference "'Behavioural and cultural insights' - how can we use social and behavioural science findings to strengthen public health?" of the network "Behavioural Insights Connect". The conference, which will take place in Berlin, is funded and hosted by the Federal Ministry of Health. The event is organised by the network "Behavioural Insights Connect", which was initiated by Prof. Dr Julika Loss (Robert Koch Institute) and Prof. Dr Cornelia Betsch (University of Erfurt).
Why a conference on "Behavioural & Cultural Insights in Health"?
Health is decisively shaped by human behaviour. In order to plan preventive and health-promoting measures, we need to better understand how individual factors, cultural influences and living conditions affect this behaviour and thus health. These insights should be used systematically to break down barriers (e.g. in living environments and structural framework conditions), to motivate and thus make it easier for people to behave in a way that promotes health.
- At the one-day event, we want to give an overview of the current research field of "Behavioural & Cultural Insights in Health" in Germany: what methodological and thematic expertise is there, which disciplines are active in which areas? What impulses are there from other countries?
- We want to map the successful implementation of health-promoting measures based on "Behavioural & Cultural Insights" in Germany.
- We want to network participants from science, politics and practice.
Participation and CfA
The deadline for submitting abstracts for short presentations is 31 August 2023. Information on form and content can be found in the attached document .
Preliminary conference programme:
- 11:00 Welcome, Dr Ute Teichert, Federal Ministry of Health.
- 11:10 Introduction: Einführung: “Behavioural & Cultural Insights” – Verhalten verstehen & Erkenntnisse für verhaltens- und verhältnisorientierte Maßnahmen systematisch nutzen, Professor Cornelia Betsch, University of Erfurt, Professor Julika Loss, Robert Koch Institute
- 11:20 BCI-Ansatz: wie vorgehen I: Understanding and improving people’s capabilities, opportunities and motivations that impact on behaviour – the core of WHO Europe’s BCI approach. Katrine Habersaat, Behavioural and Cultural Insights Unit, WHO Europe
- 11:45 Break
- 12:00 Good practice I: Von der Wissenschaft zur (politischen) Maßnahmenplanung: Barrieren in Versorgung und Infektionsschutz erkennen und abbauen (AT), Dr Sabrina Artinger, Federal Chancellery
- 12:25 Viel mehr als nur Nudging: hin zu einem breiten Verständnis von „behavioural public policy“, Professor Dr. Benjamin Ewert, University of Applied Sciences Fulda
- 12:50 Lunch Break
- 13:40 Good practice II: Von der Wissenschaft zur (politischen) Maßnahmenplanung: Behavioural insights im Bereich Gesunde Stadtentwicklung, Professor Heike Köckler HS Gesundheit Bochum
- 14:05 Room change
- 14:15 Project presentations on selected topics (short presentations)
- 15:25 Coffee break
- 15:55 BCI approach: wie vorgehen II: „Kontext und Komplexität: Können wir verhaltens- und sozialwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse aus Bremen auch in Oberbayern anwenden?", Professor Eva Rehfuess, LMU Munich
- 16:20 Quo vadis „Behavioural Public Policy“ - Wie gelingt es, mehr sozial- und verhaltenswissenschaftliche Evidenz in die Politik zu bringen? Professor Falko Sniehotta, University of Heidelberg
- 16:45 Conclusion / Outlook
- 17:00 End of the event / Get together (until 18:00)
Participation is free of charge, but the number of participants is limited. Registration is possible until 15.09.2023, registrations will be considered in the order of receipt.
Registration via the University of Erfurt