Led by team captains Dr. Bettina Hollstein (Max Weber College) and Jens Panse (University Health Management), the team will make its athletic contribution to a bicycle- and climate-friendly city centre. Anyone who still wants to join the team can register at short notice and enter their cycled kilometres independently.
An official team start at the university will take place on 31 May - at an information stand in front of the university library, where experts will be on hand from 12 to 2 p.m. to give tips on cycling and health. Our alumnus Sebastian Risse will offer a small bike check at the stand for all team members and interested university members. At 4 p.m., at the end of the office, a small joint team ride on the new Gera cycle path to Gispersleben is planned. The meeting point is the bicycle service point in front of the library.