| Founders Service, Service

"Seven at a stroke": Digital input panels for developing your own (start-up) ideas from the university context

Under the title "Seven in one go", the University of Erfurt's Founders Service is offering all interested university members a series of seven short digital input panels on developing their own (start-up) ideas from the university context.

In this free series of events, experienced experts provide valuable tips and recommendations for action that are not only of great importance in an entrepreneurial context. Developing ideas, presenting them and oneself convincingly are also guarantees for a successful academic career and a successful start to professional life. The contents taught in the course not only serve to prepare for a possible start-up, but also to expand economic knowledge and soft skills for an academic career. In addition, participation can help to identify start-up potential within one's own degree programme.

Separate registration is not required. To participate in one of the input panels, all you need to do is click on the Webex link below to start the panel. We recommend that you do this for a technology check about 15 minutes before the start of the respective event.


03.03.2021, 14-16 hrs
„Think Outside the box – Wege zur Kreativen (Gründungs-)Ideenfindung“ (Martin Arnold-Schaarschmidt)
Webex-link: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/uni-erfurt-de/j.php?MTID=m8a2ff00b41e609d0e7a567ce1c8901ca 
Password: TuFNCVRd344

04.03.2021, 13-15 hrs.
„(Gründungs-)Ideen Struktur verleihen – Das Business Model Canvas als Ideenschmiede “ (Jana Theuerkauf, Martin Hellmann)
Webex-link: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/uni-erfurt-de/j.php?MTID=mf6dce38bc6ec4b1bb144cf23be2f1b7c
Password: mKD5PeNXZ32

09.03.2021, 14-16 hrs.
„Elevator Pitch (for Women only)“ - Mich selbst ansprechend präsentieren in weniger als 1 Minute! (Claudia Meimberg)
Webex-link: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/uni-erfurt-de/j.php?MTID=maf73f22daf49d7903b67a21a86795e4f
Password: XDhPWngH933

10.03.2021, 14-16 hrs.
„Ideen mit Wirkung schaffen“ – Social Entrepreneurship als Motor für gesellschaftlichen Wandel (Birgit Heilig)
Webex-link: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/uni-erfurt-de/j.php?MTID=mc2a6e5d236d10a31b40cb7d8c705f42b
Password: jwX4ChkR36q

17.03.2021, 11-13 hrs.
„Wieviel Potenzial schlummert in meiner Idee?“ – Markt- und Wettbewerbsanalyse als wichtiger „Erfolgsdetektor“ (Kareen Schlangen)
Webex-link: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/uni-erfurt-de/j.php?MTID=m4d7ae11c785c798a214099242da27288
Password: N2yhaVn7Ag2

24.03.2021, 11-13 hrs.
„Ohne Moos nix los!“ – Möglichkeiten zur Finanzierung von (Gründungs)Ideen (Juliane Lippmann)
Webex-link: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/uni-erfurt-de/j.php?MTID=md510fd7d3f99228592eb033ac998aa5d
Password: 9t4MCPCGnU5

25.03.2021, 11-13 hrs.
„Erfolgreich pitchen und überzeugen“ – wie Sie mit Ihrem Pitch Begeisterung wecken und Ihre Zielgruppe zum Handeln bewegen (Martina Karl)
Webex-link: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/uni-erfurt-de/j.php?MTID=me3186c89b862e96df8cc488942bfdae2
Password: qEsGHaAB743