They will present the magnificently coloured manuscript of Ovid's "Metamorphoses" (ca. 1340) in the holdings of the Research Library (FBG). PD Dr Monika Müller (FBG) will be the moderator. Further information will be available on the website shortly before the event in the „calendar of events" (Veranstaltungskalender) section. This also applies to the discussion between Olaf Kretzer (Suhl) and Dr Sascha Salatowsky (FBG) on the early form of adult education in the Duchy of Saxe-Gotha in the mid-17th century around Andreas Reyher (1601-1673). The series will conclude this year on 15 December with a lecture by Dr Asaph Ben-Tov (Wolfenbüttel/Kent) on Johann Ernst Gerhard (1621-1668), whose 400th birthday will be the occasion for a tribute on that day.