| Internal service, University Computer and Media Centre, Service

Rollout of Microsoft 365 in central administration starts

The University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ) would like to inform you that the rollout of Microsoft 365 in the central administration (departments, staff units) will begin next week, i.e. on 11 July.

With the rollout, the Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise replace the previous Office 2016 installations. The functional scope of the Office programmes is basically identical, but the programmes have a more modern look. The installation is carried out automatically via the central software distribution (for desktops overnight, notebooks with a time delay depending on use). This is also accompanied by a change in licensing to personal licences. Employees have already been automatically assigned a licence (see news 28.11.2022) and do not need to do anything else for their work computers.

For the most important questions regarding the change to Microsoft 365, the University Computer and Media Center (URMZ) has compiled the most important information and an extensive FAQ section on its service website.

Please note: The rollout for the science sector will start on 1 August. There will be separate information on this.


Nicole Ackermann
Mitarbeiterin IT-Dienste und Infrastruktur
(University Computer and Media Centre)