For example, the public series "Thuesday Talks" will start on Tuesday, April 18, in the "Kleine Synagoge" Erfurt with a lecture by Thomas Lindenberger (Dresden) on "Freiwilligkeit und Ehrenamt. Zur Vor-Geschichte des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements". The event is being held in cooperation with the "Volunteerism" research group at the University of Erfurt and will begin at 6 p.m. Admission is free. The programme continues on April 25, also at 6 pm. For the detailed programme, please see our overview or our calendar of events on the website of the University of Erfurt. If you would like to attend, please register by e-mail at
The second series of events "Mappings" is about historical knowledge research and new cartographic history every Thursday from 2 to 4 pm. The next colloquium, which is primarily aimed at master's students, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral fellows as well as Herzog Ernst scholarship holders, will take place on April 27. The historian Professor Iris Schröder will speak about "Die Sprache der Kartografen. Begriffe, Zeichen, Farben und die Markierung von Unsicherheit in Karten des 19. Jahrhunderts" (The Language of Cartographers. Terms, Signs, Colors and the Marking of Uncertainty in 19th Century Maps). Start is at 2 p.m. in the Pagenhaus, Schlossberg 1, in Gotha. Registration at is requested. For the further programme please see our overview.