Boosters are considered by health experts to be an effective means of maintaining the immunity previously built up by the COVID-19 vaccination(s), or the vaccine's effectiveness against severe courses of the disease. For this reason, COVID-19 boosters are recommended in many countries. Nevertheless, even in countries with high vaccination coverage, relatively low booster readiness emerged. In order to change this and to increase the motivation for boosters among the population, governments have taken various measures - but mostly without scientific evidence about which measures are actually effective and accepted by the people. A group of international scientists, including Professor Cornelia Betsch and Philipp Sprengholz from the University of Erfurt, have now presented a research paper in which they were able to identify the most promising measures to promote COVID-19 booster vaccinations using a so-called crowdsourcing method.
Read the whole article in our research blog "WortMelder".
link to the post (in German only)