| Internal service, University Computer and Media Centre, Studies

New room microphones facilitate audio transmission of face-to-face teaching events into digital formats

At the beginning of the winter semester 2021/22, the University of Erfurt purchased and installed 15 room microphones that will significantly improve the quality of sound transmission from face-to-face sessions in seminar rooms to digital formats.

The news item was already published on 1 October 2021. Due to the numerous requests, it has been updated - but without any changes to the content.

cable for room microphones
The cables for the new microphones are marked accordingly.

This will enable lecturers to broadcast their face-to-face sessions as a high-quality audio track via Webex online for all those who cannot be present due to an impairment or pandemic. Sharing seminar materials such as presentations is also possible in this way. The existing video and audio technology in the classrooms transmits the spoken contributions and presentations of the students from the home office for the presence participants on site. The room microphones will be installed in the following seminar rooms in teaching building 1 (LG 1) from 11 October: R.102 / R.104 / R.110 / R.120 / R.125 / R.214 / R.215 / R.218 / R.219 / R.318 / R.319 / R.323 / R.327 / R.332 / R.333. The connection of the microphones is straightforward via a USB cable marked "room microphone".

By the summer semester 2022, the remaining seven teaching rooms in teaching building 1 and by the winter semester 2022/23 the eight seminar rooms in teaching building 4 will be equipped with this technology.

In the future, it will also be possible for a lecturer who cannot be on site due to illness or a pandemic to be connected externally. However, this requires that a participant on site (e.g. a student), who has previously been briefed by the lecturer, connects his laptop to the room microphone at the lecturer's desk. In these cases, the lecturer can be seen and heard by the on-site participants via the beamer and the audio technology of the assigned seminar room.

In addition, 18 portable microphones are available. These can be borrowed for individual courses, which take place in teaching rooms not yet equipped with the room microphones, from 11 October in the respective dean's office for each individual course. They must be returned at the end of the course.

Information on how to use and handle the room microphones can be found in the Moodle room: Universität Erfurt Digital Lehren (UEDL).

Attention: According to the current CORONA regulation of the Free State of Thuringia, the seating capacities in the event rooms depend on the type of room use. This means: For presence events and presence examinations that take place according to the so-called 3G rules (vaccinated, convalescent or tested), the rooms can be used without restriction without a distance control obligation (room use unrestricted). For all other events, the use of the rooms is restricted. Here, the minimum distances and the mask obligation in the rooms must be observed. Only the rooms marked with barcodes are available and guarantee the required distances. Please also use these (room) barcodes for contact tracking, i.e. to register and deregister for the attendance event!

The obligation to wear qualified mouth/nose protection results from the hygiene concept of the University of Erfurt for both restricted and unrestricted room use. For information on room capacities for both cases, please refer to the notices on the doors of the event rooms.