| Faculty of Philosophy, Historisches Seminar, Research

New publication: Wind, weather and climate of antiquity - at first hand

Kai Brodersen, Professor of Ancient Culture at the University of Erfurt, has a new publication on Theophrastus of Eresos, which will be published by De Gruyter in December.

Theophrastos of Eresos (c. 371 - c. 287 B.C.), pupil and successor of Aristotle, emerged as a philosopher and naturalist. Two works that have come down to us under his name investigate wind and weather and are now available for the first time in German translation: The writing on the winds deals with the causes, peculiarities and effects of the winds on nature and man, the writing on weather signs discusses the possibilities of weather forecasting on the basis of signals that can be observed in nature. The effects of the climate on man - and of man on the climate - are always the subject of these considerations.

Kai Brodersen now presents both works and the most important parallel texts in two languages and with an introduction. Thus, the volume enables all those interested in antiquity and its natural history to understand at first hand the ancient thinking about wind, weather and climate.

Kai Brodersen
Theophrastos, Wind und Wetter.
bilingual edition
Tusculum Collection
Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.

ISBN 978-3-11-074403-3
240 pages
39,95 EUR
(also as Ebook)