Teachers shape and control almost 70 per cent of teaching with their language. Therefore, dealing with one's own teacher language and conscious conversation is inevitable for the professionalisation of all teachers. This practical handbook conveys a multimodal concept of teacher language, which includes paraverbal, non-verbal and verbal means, in a clear and practical way. The concrete implementation is illustrated and thematised not only in class discussion but also in language-sensitive subject teaching as well as in speech therapy lessons. Furthermore, the book is dedicated to the promotion of multimodal communication behaviour of pupils with special support needs in the linguistic, cognitive and social-emotional areas in the classroom.
The authors:
- Professor Tanja Jungmann, graduate psychologist, is employed at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg as a professor for language and communication and its special educational support.
- Professor Christiane Miosga is a professor in the Department of Language Pedagogy and Therapy at Leibniz Universität Hannover.
- Professor Sandra Neumann holds the professorship for Inclusive Educational Processes with Impairments of Language and Communication at the University of Erfurt.