| Internal service, University Computer and Media Centre, Service

New ticket system in the computer centre (URMZ)

The University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ) at the University of Erfurt has launched a new ticket system. This means that applications, enquiries and concerns can now be communicated online around the clock and their processing status can be viewed by users.

The first services to be integrated were poster printing and TYPO3 (editorial activities for the homepage). DFN-Cloud, Sharepoint, the thoska service and other services will follow successively. The user interface will also be further developed.

In addition, other units of the university that would like to use online tickets for concerns can be included in the system in the future.

Please note: For services that have not yet been integrated and for people without a university login, the current procedure applies. Please contact the service desk as usual or, if necessary, the person responsible for the service. 

The use of the system is only possible with Uni-Login.

In future, you will be able to access the ticket system via the following link.

to the Ticket System


IT Service Desk
IT Service Desk
Service area
(University Computer and Media Centre)
C21 - Centre for Communication and Information (KIZ) / Room 0.11
Office hours
Opening hours (lecture-free period):
Service desk:
Mon-Thu: 9am-11am and 1pm-3pm; Fri: 9am-11am
Service hotline:
Mon-Thu: 8am-12pm and 1pm-4pm; Fri: 8am-12pm

(otherwise Mon-Thu: 7.45am-12.15pm and 1-5pm, Fri: 7.45am-12.15pm and 1-4pm)