On 21 and 22 March 2024, the Oral History Research Centre at the University of Erfurt will host the conference of the Oral History Network on the topic of "Nähe und Distanz in der Arbeit mit mündlichen Quellen" (Proximity and distance in working with oral sources).
The challenge of proximity and distance runs through most of the contributions in the two-day programme programme - Another focus will be on the "East German experience". For the first time, there will also be an interpretation workshop in which interview transcripts will be analysed together, as well as a research workshop in which methodological questions will be discussed.
We invite active participation in the interpretation and research workshop: Proposals to discuss your own interview material can be sent to agnes.arp@uni-erfurt.de by 1 March 2024, proposals for methodological discussions to felicitas.soehner@hhu.de.