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Media workshop „Film ab für Ihre Ideen – Mini-Imagefilme für einen wirkungsvollen Auftritt“

The University of Erfurt's start-up service invites all interested university members to a digital media workshop on St. Nicholas Day, 6 December 2021. Entitled "Film off for your ideas", the workshop will focus on mini image films for an effective presentation. The workshop starts at 1 pm and is free of charge.

In the 90-minute event, Benjamin Zeising (Visionsfilm), an experienced filmmaker, will give valuable tips and recommendations on how to present oneself, an organisation and/or a (start-up) idea convincingly and with few resources in the media. The participants learn about the connection between good storytelling, visual language, shot sizes and the necessary accessories. With this knowledge, they should then be able to produce individually tailored short clips for any occasion.

Please use the following link to dial in to the event: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/uni-erfurt-de/j.php?MTID=m0b4b2f7814abd1e2b0f29d03badb1785. Registration is not required.