| Willy Brandt School of Public Policy

Leadership for the Future - Brandt School and partners launch "Transformational Certificate"

The Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt has just launched the “Transformational Certificate” together with the Hertie School of Public Policy (Berlin) and the Intersectoral School of Governance (ISoG BW). The program aims to equip professionals in leadership positions with the right tools to successfully master current challenges and to actively shape the future for the better. The first one of three workshops took place in Stuttgart on May 19 and 20, 2022.

High level participants from politics, the public and private sector and civil society joined lectures, discussions and networking sessions during the first workshop in Stuttgart. Highlights were among others  the lectures „Method input and – Reflection Stakeholder Dialoge“ by Prof. Dr. Monika Gonser from the Intersectoral School of Governance Baden-Württemberg  and „Principles of Structure, Effectiveness and Control“ by Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili (President of Human Capital Africa and Senior Economic Adviser at Africa Economic Development Policy Initiative (AEDPI)) and Dr. Claudia Major (SWP) offered networking sessions on "Experience & Transformation" and security policy transformation.

The next workshop of the Transformational Certificate will take place in Berlin, July 07-08, 2022 with equally interesting and stimulating sessions. In Berlin, participants can listen to among others a presentation on scenario analysis by Hertie School's Prof. Dr. Andrea Römmele and on a lecture on the Sustainable Development Goals by Dr. Julia Stamm (The Futures Project).

The 3rd and final event of the workshop series „Transformational Leader Certificate” will take place in Erfurt from September 29-30, 2022. During these two days, the participants will i.a. attend lectures as „Public Value und Leadership“ held by Prof. Dr. Timo Meynhardt (HHL Leipzig) and „Social Entrepreneurship as a Driver of Transformation“ by Brandt School's Prof. Dr. Heike Grimm. In addition, our Senior Brandt School Fellows, Carmen Niethammer  and Achim von Heynitz  will share their experience in transitions in budgeting and concerning diversity management. We furthermore look forward to an impulse lecture by Thuringia's State Secretary for Higher Education and Digitalization, Carsten Feller and the Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor Carsten Schneider.

We look forward to the next two workshops of the “Transformational Leader Certificate” in Berlin at the Hertie-School and in Erfurt at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy.


Aletta Haniel Professor for Public Policy and Entrepreneurship
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.08