Konrat Ziegler an der Universität Greifswald 1923-1933.
Speyer: KDV, 2022
ISBN 9783939526490
52 pages, paperback
3,50 EUR
Konrat Ziegler (1884-1974) was Professor of Classical Philology at the University of Greifswald from 1923, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in 1926/1927 and Rector of the University in 1928/1929.
This small publication, edited by Kai Brodersen, Professor of Ancient Culture at the University of Erfurt, together with Susanne Froehlich and Hannelore Kohl, documents a festive colloquium in Greifwald that took place on the occasion of the unveiling of a commemorative plaque on Ziegler's residence. In four contributions, the publication sheds light on Ziegler's importance and his work as a politician.