What is an eTutor?
eTutors are students at a higher education institution who specifically support teachers in using digital forms of teaching and learning and in integrating digital tools into teaching. The students who are to complete the training are selected by the teachers and trained and accompanied by the Tutors@eTeach team.
What are the goals of the Tutors@eTeach training?
After successful completion of the training, the eTutors know and observe the following basics:
1. didactic and media didactic basics
2. the basics of copyright and data protection
3. the basics of accessibility in the creation of multimedia learning resources
4. creation of learning videos
5. principles of graphic design for multimedia learning resources
6. video conferencing systems used at Thuringian universities
7. learning platform Moodle (the eTutors exchange information with each other, benefit from each other's knowledge and form a "community of practice").
What are the main features of the Tutors@eTeach training?
This training takes place online and as an intensive week (seven days) before the start of the semester. A Moodle course is the virtual place of training and interaction between participants and trainers. The training is modular. Each module can be completed in a self-study phase if the attendance dates cannot be met. All contents and tasks are stored in the Moodle course. Participation in individual modules is optional and can be decided by lecturers (and participants) before the start of the training, depending on the respective relevance for later application. Participants can register for individual modules or for the entire training. After general introductions to each module, participants can get to know university-specific content and experts at the respective university. The participants exchange information with each other and form a community of practice. After successful completion of the training, the eTutors receive a certificate.
Which modules take place on which dates?
- 8 March 2021, 9am-2pm: Introduction to Tutors@eTeach training and the Moodle learning management system.
- 9 March 2021, 9am-12pm: Introduction to Data Protection and Copyright
- 10 March 2021, 9am-12pm: Introduction to Video Production
- 11 March 2021, 9am-12pm: Graphic Design Basics for Multimedia Learning Resources
- 12 March 2021, 9-11am: Introduction to digital accessible teaching
- 15 March 2021, 9am-2pm: Didactics and media-enriched teaching
- 16 March 2021, 9am-12pm: General introduction and in-depth study of videoconferencing systems
- 24 June 2021, 9am-12pm: Final presentation and certificate handover
What do lecturers need to do to register their students for the Tutors@eTeach training?
Select a suitable candidate from among your students. Send a short e-mail as an expression of participation with a note of which modules or the entire training course are to be completed and the name and e-mail address of the participating person to the contact person at the University of Erfurt by 28 February 2021, Maren Würfel.
Who can you contact with questions?
If you have any questions about the training, please contact Dr. Christine Hess, project coordinator of the eTeach network.