In the project "Digital Error Choir (Listening Experience Training)", a cooperation project of Professor Juan Miguel Verdugo Garcia from the Institute for Music Education and Church Music at the HfM Weimar and Martin Bosch, lecturer in the Department of Music at the University of Erfurt, a digital basis is to be developed to expand the practical experience with a choir and to specifically build up listening experience. As part of the funding, a concept and a collection of audio and methodological materials will first be created and a simple digital tool will be developed. This forms the preliminary stage for an app to be designed that is adapted to the movement technology of common smartphones. Through the mobility of the audio recordings to be created, a spatially-flexible listening to potential sources of error in combination with a digital end device should lead to the most practical listening experience possible. By collecting methodological concepts for encountering the audible sources of error, the later app can complement theoretical choral conducting training. The project is funded for twelve months with material resources and a staff position.
The project "Development of moodlebased OER for media-related school development in the context of media pedagogical competence promotion in teacher training" by Professor Sven Jöckel, Professor of Communication Science with a focus on children's and youth media at the University of Erfurt, is dedicated to providing Open Education Resources (OER) for the promotion of media pedagogical competence of student teachers. Three self-study courses dealing with general media pedagogy, media didactics and media education have already been developed. A comprehensive fourth self-study course on the basics of media-related school development will now be developed within the framework of the project. All four courses will be made available as OER in the future. The cooperation partner of the project is Prof. Dr. Nils Berkemeyer from the Chair of School Education and School Development at FSU Jena. Further participants are: Professor Petra Kirchhoff (Language Teaching and Learning Research, University of Erfurt), Professor Patrick Rössler (Communication Science, University of Erfurt), Thorsten Ziegler (research assistant in the Qualiteach sub-project Competence Network Digital Subject-Related Teacher Education (KdfL), University of Erfurt) and Julia Sgolik (research assistant in the Qualiteach sub-project KdfL, University of Erfurt). The project is funded for 6 months with a staff position.
project website:
The project "Development and testing of interactive, digital methods for holistic and interactive assessment of learning levels in technical subjects" is a cooperation between Professor Christian Döbel from the Department of Technology at the Dual University of Applied Sciences Gera-Eisenach and Professor Waldemar Bauer, Professor for Didactics of Technology and Industrial-Technical Subjects at the Faculty of Education at the University of Erfurt. In the project, a digital tool for recording learning outcomes is to be developed and evaluated. The method can support learning by continuously (quantitatively as well as qualitatively) checking the learning status and, on this basis, design learning processes more effectively. The tool is being tested in an engineering course in the field of automation technology. However, a transfer to other STEM subjects is planned. The project is funded for 12 months with material resources and a staff position.
The eTeach Network Thuringia supports innovative impulse projects that (further) develop formats of learning, teaching and testing in a competence-oriented manner and with a high degree of fit to student requirements. The results of the projects serve as impulses for teachers at all Thuringian universities and can be integrated into learning, teaching and examination offerings.
Professor Gerd Mannhaupt, the academic director of the eTeach network, congratulates the project applicants on the funding and already draws attention to the next call for proposals. The deadline for applications for the third funding round is 1 October 2022.