Philosophische Fakultät, Historisches Seminar, SPF Religion. Gesellschaft. Weltbeziehung., SPF Wissen. Räume. Medien., Forschung

Engagiert und ausgebeutet? Freiwilligkeit zwischen community-kapitalistischer Arbeit und Solidarität als emanzipativer Praxis

3. Jun 2024, 6.00 pm
research building "Weltbeziehungen", seminar room (ground floor) (C19)
DFG Research Group Voluntariness
Professor Jule Govrin
Event type
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Public evening lecture by Professor Jule Govrin as part of the "Research Day on Voluntariness".

Information from the organiser

As part of the "Research Day Voluntariness" on 3 June 2024, the DFG Research Unit Voluntariness welcomes the philosopher Jule Govrin to Erfurt! Jule Govrin worked at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt/M. and at the FU Berlin, among others. As a philosopher and political author, she specialises in the political dimensions of bodies and feelings. Her most recent books are "Begehrenswert. Erotic Capital and Authenticity as a Commodity" (2023) and "Political Bodies. Of Care and Solidarity" (2022). We look forward to the evening lecture at the end of the research day and to a discussion of voluntarism from an interdisciplinary perspective.