Gotha Research Library, Centre for Transcultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Knowledge, Spaces, and Media, Erfurt University Library

Ein-, Auf-, An-, Ver-, Zusammen-, Ent-SAMMELN

10. Nov 2023, 2.00 pm - 11. Nov 2023, 4.00 pm
Gotha and Erfurt
Research group "Kulturtechniken des Sammelns"
Event type
Public with registration

Final Symposium of the Research Group "Kulturtechniken des Sammelns" (Cultural Techniques of Collecting).


The research group "Kulturtechniken des Sammelns" had emerged in 2021 from the research group "Spatialisation and Cultural Techniques" (2017-2020), which was already based on the work of the Cultural Techniques Laboratory Group (2015-2017).


Friday 10.11.2023 (Gotha and Erfurt)

  • 14-16 h, "Small field research in the collection" (Gotha Perthes Collection)
  • 6.30 pm, Welcome and lecture by Ilinca Iurascu (University of British Columbia, connected via Webex): "Gathering Dust: Franz Stoedtner, Particle Photography and the Image Collection of the 'Institut für wissenschaftliche Projektion'" (University of Erfurt, consultation room KIZ)
  • 8 pm dinner together

Saturday 11.11.2023 (Erfurt, consultation room KIZ, campus of the University of Erfurt)

  • 10 am Elisabeth Heyne, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin: "Nebel im Glas. On the nature of things in the Anthropocene".
  • 11 am Dennis Niewerth, LVR Industrial Museum, Euskirchen: "Collecting situations? On the Value of the Found and the Impossibility of Not Staging".
  • 12 pm Romuald Tchibozo, Université d'Abomey Calavi: "Leipzig's Grassi Museum and African Art 1963-2014. Analysis of the Collection".
  • 13-14.30 Lunch
  • 14.30-16 hrs Discussion/presentation with Irene Albers, Andreas Schmid, Stefan Schawe (Free University Berlin, University of Oxford): "Literature as Colonial Spoils? Provenienzgeschichten 1910–1921"

Please register by e-mail by 3.11.2023.

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