Friday 10.11.2023 (Gotha and Erfurt)
- 14-16 h, "Small field research in the collection" (Gotha Perthes Collection)
- 6.30 pm, Welcome and lecture by Ilinca Iurascu (University of British Columbia, connected via Webex): "Gathering Dust: Franz Stoedtner, Particle Photography and the Image Collection of the 'Institut für wissenschaftliche Projektion'" (University of Erfurt, consultation room KIZ)
- 8 pm dinner together
Saturday 11.11.2023 (Erfurt, consultation room KIZ, campus of the University of Erfurt)
- 10 am Elisabeth Heyne, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin: "Nebel im Glas. On the nature of things in the Anthropocene".
- 11 am Dennis Niewerth, LVR Industrial Museum, Euskirchen: "Collecting situations? On the Value of the Found and the Impossibility of Not Staging".
- 12 pm Romuald Tchibozo, Université d'Abomey Calavi: "Leipzig's Grassi Museum and African Art 1963-2014. Analysis of the Collection".
- 13-14.30 Lunch
- 14.30-16 hrs Discussion/presentation with Irene Albers, Andreas Schmid, Stefan Schawe (Free University Berlin, University of Oxford): "Literature as Colonial Spoils? Provenienzgeschichten 1910–1921"