| Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, Research, Events

Discussion event: "The European Green Deal and German Economic Competitiveness"

Andreas Goldthau, Professor of Public Policy at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt, will moderate a digital discussion event of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) entitled "The European Green Deal and German Economic Competitiveness" on Thursday, 27 May. Joining him on the panel will be Norbert Röttgen (Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the German Bundestag), Frank Appel (CEO of Deutsche Post DHL Group) and MEP Anna Cavazzini (Chair of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection). The event will start at 7 pm.

The European Commission has taken a political lead with the European Green Deal by setting ambitious international standards and making the EU a global leader in the fight against climate change. The massive implications of this legislative initiative for EU member states and the private sector are only now becoming apparent. While companies will have to make significant investments in climate-friendly technologies, EU member states will be forced to thoroughly adapt their national regulations. The recent ruling of the German Federal Constitutional Court on the Climate Change Act, which requires the German government to take earlier, more concrete and stricter action, serves as a foreshadowing of the far-reaching consequences of climate legislation. However, as European governments and businesses must try to survive in a world of growing geo-economic competition, climate action can only be successful if it has broad international support and strikes a balance with economic viability.

The event will take place via "zoom". All participants are invited to join the discussion. Registration is possible at: dgap-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rRoI3sD9S7eP7eItHum_yg. After registration you will receive a confirmation email with information on participation.

Please note that this event will be recorded. Information on data processing can be found at dgap.org/en/zoom. If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte von Fritsch (email: vonfritsch@dgap.org).
