| Seminar für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft

Coming up: Cornelia Betsch at ZEIT Forum Wissenschaft

The 87th ZEIT Forum Wissenschaft will take place on November 23, 2022 at 7 pm at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW). On stage, Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch, Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx and Health Minister Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach will discuss "Virus X - How we should prepare for the next pandemic."

The event will address the overarching theme of "Public Health" and would like to ask: What have politics and science learned from the Covid-19 pandemic and what does "pandemic preparedness" mean for us as a society and our health care system? How can we improve communication in the future? And what does climate change have to do with it? This is the topic of discussion at the 87th ZEIT Forum Wissenschaft at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) in Berlin.

On the panel:

  • Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch, Heisenberg Professor of Health Communication, University of Erfurt, Head of the Health Communication Working Group at the Bernhard Nocht Institute and member of the Expert Council of the German Chancellery.
  • Prof Dr Alena Buyx, Director at the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine at the Technical University of Munich, Chairwoman of the German Ethics Council and Member of the Expert Council of the German Chancellery.
  • Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach, Federal Minister of Health, Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).

The conversation will be broadcast live on Deutschlandfunk's web radio Dokumente & Debatten from 7 p.m. onwards. A summary will be broadcast by Deutschlandfunk on November 25, 2022 at 7:15 p.m. in the program "Auf den Punkt".

Announcement ZEIT Forum Science


Professor of Health Communication
(Faculty of Philosophy)
Lehrgebäude 4 / room 220