Since the winter semester 2018/2019, students of the art department have been visiting the art museums on a regular basis in order to develop practice-oriented art education programmes for different target groups. Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ulrike Stutz (holder of the professorship for art didactics, University of Erfurt) the students visited e.g. the special exhibitions "Bauhaus Girls" and "Wieland Förster. Sculptures and Drawings". The Förster works exhibited there were dealt with by Erfurt art students as part of their seminar "Basics of Art Education and Art Mediation" and digital mediation offers especially developed for children and young people. Grit Becher, a member of the Cultural Directorate, accompanies the seminars and especially appreciates the refreshing, external and unbiased perspective that the students bring with them. She also welcomes the new digital formats of mediation, as these will be relevant for the future work of the museums.
This year, due to the fact that the museums were closed down because of the Corona pandemic, the focus was placed particularly on digital mediation services, so that the works of art can be discovered without having to actually visit the exhibition. The results from the summer semester on the exhibitions Wieland Förster (Angermuseum), Luise von Rohden (Kunsthalle Erfurt), Cosima Göpfert and Stefan Schiek (Galerie Waidspeicher) and Marc Chagall (Kunsthaus Avantgarde Apolda) have now been bundled on one website and can be accessed at
Ulrike Stutz is pleased about the success of the student works: "The interactive offers can be used individually or in extracurricular and school and art education - e.g. in art lessons. A wonderful example of how university studies can be combined with practical work".