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Healthy through the winter!

As part of its University Health Management (UGM), the University of Erfurt is once again coordinating a Corona protection vaccination offer for its students and employees. Interested parties have the opportunity to be vaccinated (booster vaccinations with mRNA vaccines) by a mobile vaccination team of the "Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Thüringen" on November 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Audimax building (room in front of the wardrobe).

Please check in advance which vaccination is recommended in your case and send your appointment request, stating the need for vaccination, by e-mail to: gesundheit@uni-erfurt.de.

Requirements for booster vaccination

1st booster from the age of 12

  • at least 6 months after complete first and subsequent vaccination (basic immunisation) or
  • at least 6 months after a vaccination + SARS-CoV-2 infection (basic immunisation)

2nd booster from 18 years of age

  • at least 6 months after basic immunisation + 1st booster or
  • at least 6 months after basic immunisation + 1st booster + SARS-CoV-2 infection (interval of infection after 1st booster must be less than 3 months) If the SARS-CoV-2 infection occurred more than 3 months after the 1st booster, no further vaccination is recommended for the time being.

3rd booster from 18 years of age

  • at least 6 months after basic immunisation + 1st booster + 2nd booster or
  • at least 6 months after basic immunisation + 1st booster + 2nd booster + SARS-CoV-2 infection (interval of infection after 2nd booster must be less than 3 months) If the SARS-CoV-2 infection occurred more than 3 months after the 2nd booster, no further vaccination is recommended for the time being.

Vaccination is carried out with the adapted BA.5 vaccine from BioNTEch (mRNA).

The following documents are necessary for the vaccination:

  •  electronic health card (eGK) for simplified data recording (if available).
  •  medication schedule, allergy passport, coagulation control card (if available)
  •  recovery certificate/vaccination certificate or previous Covid-19 vaccination certificates
  •  information and medical history form/consent form (Please complete and bring to the appointment.)

view copy of information sheet (PDF)

view copy of medical history consent (PDF)

Both documents can also be found on the website of the Robert Koch Institute at: www.rki.de/DE/Content/Infekt/Impfen/Materialien/COVID-19-Aufklaerungsbogen-Tab.html.

By the way...

Flu shots are also available on campus again this year. This vaccination event will take place on November 09 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the First Aid Room of the University Library (access via the staff entrance) and will be offered by the family practice of Dr Winkler from Jena. Booster vaccinations against tetanus and ticks (FSME) are also available upon request. To coordinate an appointment, please send an email to gesundheit@uni-erfurt.de.

Because a different vaccine is used for people older than 60 years than for younger people, we may ask for information.
