Concept and organisation : Ronald Hirte (Weimar) & Florian Wagner (Erfurt)
Contact and registration:
Funded by the DFG Research Group Voluntariness and the University of Erfurt
Concept and organisation : Ronald Hirte (Weimar) & Florian Wagner (Erfurt)
Contact and registration:
Funded by the DFG Research Group Voluntariness and the University of Erfurt
Friday | Vendredi, 12 April 2024, Weimar, Buchenwald Memorial, Conference Centre
In the morning, possibility of an individual visit to the Buchenwald Memorial | Matin: Visite (facultative et inividuelle) du Mémorial de Buchenwald
13.00 Arrival, introduction and keynote | Bienvenue, Introduction et Discours d'Ouverture
Welcome | Mots d'Accueil: Christiane Kuller (Erfurt), Benjamin Stora (Paris), Jens-Christian Wagner (Weimar)
15.30 - 17.15 Workshop Part I | 1ère Partie: Approaches to North Africa | Contexte Afrique du Nord
Chair: Agnès Arp (Erfurt)
17.15 - 18.15 Workshop Part II | 2è Partie: Approaches to Africa | Contexte Afrique
Chair: Birgit Schäbler (Erfurt)
Saturday | Saturday, 13 April 2024, University of Erfurt, IBZ
9.30 - 11.15 Workshop Part III | 3è Partie: Memories | Mémoires
Chair: Ronald Hirte (Weimar)
11.00 a.m. Conclusion, perspectives and city tour | Conclusion, perspectives et visite de la ville
In the afternoon, possibility of an individual visit to the Buchenwald Memorial (as part of the accompanying programme for the 79th anniversary of the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp) | À partir de 15 heures visite (facultative et individuelle) du Mémorial de Buchenwald à l'occasion du 75e anniversaire de la libération du camp de concentration de Buchenwald