Workshop: Reflect yourself!? Potential and Limits of a Critical Reflexive Public History

13. Jul 2023, 11.00 am - 14. Jul 2023, 4.00 pm
International Meeting Centre, University of Erfurt (Michaelisstr. 38, 99084 Erfurt)
Historisches Seminar in coop. with the DFG-Research Unit "Voluntariness"
Event type
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We cordially invite all interested to the interdisciplinary workshop "Reflect Yourself!?" on 13th and 14th of July, 2023 at the International Meeting Centre (Michealisstr. 38, 99084 Erfurt) of the University of Erfurt.

July 13-14, 2023, University of Erfurt, Historical Seminar

The workshop will take place from July 13th to 14th, 2023 at the International Meeting Centre (Michaelisstr. 38, 99084 Erfurt) University of Erfurt. It is organized by the Students and Young Professionals (SYP) in the Working Group Applied History and Public History in cooperation with the chairs of Medieval History (Sabine Schmolinsky), Modern, Contemporary History and History Didactics (Christiane Kuller), History of Science (Bernhard Kleeberg)  an the DFG-Research Unit "Voluntariness".

Deadline for registration July 9th, 2023

How fundamentally is critical self-reflection embedded in the study, research, and practice of historical sciences? Does this question matter especially for public history?

How can I reflect on my role in the process of writing and communicating history, make it transparent and put it up for discussion? This question is gaining importance for critical historical work in both research and education; other disciplines have already been addressing this challenge for some time. How fundamentally is critical self-reflection embedded in the study, research, and practice of historical sciences? Does this question matter especially for public history – understood as thinking about history in, with, and for the public? Can public history function as a vantage point for interdisciplinary reflection? In our workshop, we want to explore the opportunities and limits of a (self-)reflexive scientific practice across disciplines–taking public history as a starting point for discussion.

Read our Call for Papers for more information about the workshop concept!

We cordially invite all interested to join us in conversation about these and other questions and to enrich the discussion with as many different perspectives as possible. In addition, there will be the opportunity to join online and participate in the discussion via chat. The event will be accompanied by graphic recording. In addition, written interpreters will translate spoken language into written language for deaf participants. Questions regarding the accessibility of the individual venues can be directed to the organizers.

Thursday, July 13
Ort: Internationales Begegnungszentrum, Michaelisstr. 38, 99084 Erfurt

11.00-12.00 Uhr         Arrival

12.00-12.15 Uhr         Welcome Note

12.15-13.45 Uhr         Panel 1 

Benet Lehmann      Wer spricht? Zur verflixten Identität von Autor*innen

Janine Fubel             „Becoming Vulnerable_ Ambivalent Solidarities“: (Selbst-) Reflexionen im Rahmen einer internationalen Ringvorlesung zu Entanglements zwischen Antisemitismus, Kolonialrassismen und Holocaust

13.45-14.15 Uhr         Break

14.15-15.45 Uhr         Panel 2

Catharina Köhnke    Wissen schaffen und Wirklichkeit gestalten. Die Rolle forschender Public Historians in der Gesellschaft

Grigori Khislavski      Informationelle Grundlagen einer (selbst-) reflexiven Hermeneutik. Nachdenken über eine "Historische Semiotik"

15.45-16.15 Uhr          Break

Change of location: Andreasstraße 37a, 99084 Erfurt

16.30-18.00 Uhr          Tour “Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Andreasstraße”

Change of location: Domstraße 10, 99084 Efurt

18.15-19:45 Uhr         Keynote

Christine Gundermann (Köln): Hinter den Spiegeln: 15 Jahre universitäre Public History in Deutschland

20.00 Uhr                   Dinner

Friday, July 14
Ort: Internationales Begegnungszentrum, Michaelisstr. 38, 99084 Erfurt

9.00-9.30 Uhr             Welcome/Summary

9.30-11.30 Uhr           Panel 3 (English)

Kaight Conheady    Through the Looking Glass: Reflections on the Lecture & Workshop Series ‘Die Brillen, die wir tragen’

Erica de Abreu Malchow      Reflecting on Museum Work and Museology through participatory Practices

Lisa Hölscher            MoCom: Motion Comics as Memory Work - Reflections on interdisciplinary collaboration and project practice

11.30-12.00 Uhr         Break

12.00-13.30 Uhr         Panel 4

Anne-Marie Schlenzka & Lily Kruse         Wer schreibt Geschichte? Eine ungleichheitssoziologische Perspektive auf Historiker:innen als erfolgreiche Absolvent:innen eines Hochschulstudiums

Kristin Oswald         Integrierte Diskursivität. Wie Citizen Science der Geschichtswissenschaft den Spiegel vorhalten kann

13.30-14.30 Uhr         Lunch

14.30-16.00 Uhr         Feedback-/Output-Discussion + Conclusion

We look forward to the workshop!

Sophie Kühnlenz
Meike Katzek


We thank Eva Mörschel for her work designing the poster!
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