Science in direct conversation with citizens, on the marketplace and in public spaces, in pairs or small groups, focusing on global challenges and crises as well as problems and conflicts in the personal, local or regional environment, factual and informative, often controversial, always constructive - this is the idea behind a joint series of events organised by major German science organisations.
The initiators are the German Research Foundation (DFG), the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities (Akademienunion), who want to use their public dialogues to vividly demonstrate the importance of science in and for the lives of citizens and how each and every individual can benefit from science and research. At the same time, the dialogues will also focus on the role and value of science in and for a democratic society. The title of the series of events, in which renowned scientists from a wide range of disciplines and the heads of the organising organisations are personally involved, is "Science - and me? Citizens in dialogue about science".
The discussions will focus on topics such as energy/environment, society/labour market, AI/technology, Arts/culture, health/nutrition as well as topics of local interest such as urban planning or structural change, to which experts from the relevant subject areas will be invited to discuss in person at themed tables.