eduroom – Media education lab, Erfurt School of Education, Faculty of Education

How do I use the MathAppFinder? Presentation of selected apps for maths lessons

23. Apr 2024, 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm
C07 – teaching building 2, eduroom – Media Education Workplace, room 309 (Campus)
eduroom - Media education lab
Annekatrin Krieck
Event type
Event Language(s)
open to the public

Public university workshop with Annekatrin Krieck.

There are now a number of maths apps that can be integrated into Mathematics lessons for effective learning. However, on the one hand it is difficult to maintain an overview and on the other hand there is sometimes a lack of ideas as to how the use of apps can be meaningfully integrated into lessons. The workshop is aimed at prospective mathematics teachers and introduces the MathAppFinder, which can be used to filter out mathematical apps depending on the grade level, main idea and mathematical topic. In addition, specific teaching ideas for selected apps that can be used in maths lessons will be presented.


Please register for the event using the form on the eduroom website.

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