Research, Service


27. Mar 2025, 9.00 am - 28. Mar 2025, 12.15 pm
University of Erfurt (Campus Nordhäuser Str. 63)
Academic Skills Programme
Academic Skills Programme
Celina Schareck
Event type
Event Language(s)
Open to the university public with registration

Workshop with Celina Schareck as part of the workshop programme offered by Competence-oriented personnel development for academics

The event is offered as part of the Academic Skills Training programme. Registration is mandatory in order to take part in the event. 
Further information on the workshop, the number of participants and registration can be found on the Competence-oriented personnel development for academics website.

to the registration

Contents of the workshop

Basics for effective speaking

  • Rhetorical stylistic devices and argumentation
  • Building a speech/presentation
  • Authentic vs. role-confident?
  • Presenting a structured and convincing speech
  • Designing speeches for different occasions
  • Communicating clearly
  • activate with words
  • getting to the point
  • Reflect on your own communication behaviour
  • using visual aids appropriately
  • instead of average: pleasantly different
  • Goals and target group-orientated speeches

How do I fascinate my listeners?

  • Increase effect or tension through pauses in speech
  • Trophotropic and ergotropic speaking style
  • Figurative language, comparisons and references
  • Voice control and lively speaking style
  • Body language aspects of the performance / proxemics
  • The audience's demand for entertainment
  • Keeping the audience focussed

Extemporaneous speech models, introductions and references

  • Looking prepared without being prepared!
  • 3-time model, target sentence method for the statement, BARAS
  • From the general to the detailed
  • Presenting content in a structured way
  • Helpful models for different topics
  • Exciting introductions

Development opportunities

  • Comparison of self-perception and external perception
  • Presentation of the initial situation: What should be changed?
  • Profiling the individual style
  • Dealing with insecurity and stage fright

About the speaker

Celina Schareck

Celina Schareck has been working internationally since 1997 as a university lecturer in communication, trainer, moderator, innovation facilitator, performance and business coach, systemic consultant and constellation leader, supervisor and keynote speaker.
She works in administrations, ministries, universities, colleges, associations, chambers, trade unions, foundations, organisations, clinics and companies in a wide range of industries. She specialises in professional leadership, conflict management, public speaking, rhetoric, moderation and performance coaching with video feedback.
She offers personality and team development and supports people in change processes and phases of upheaval. She follows a systemic approach in her work, goes into detail and is always looking for ways and alternatives.

Further information can be found at

Contact us

Employee, a.o. Competence-Oriented Personnel Development for Academics
(President's Office and Staff Unit University Development)
C02 – administration building / C02.01.59