Max-Weber-Kolleg, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Research, Events

Reading: Nach dem Privateigentum?

15. Oct 2024, 7.30 pm
Ernst Abbe Library, Jena
Collaborative Research Centre ‘Structural Change of Privat Property’ of the Universities of Jena and Erfurt in cooperation with the Ernst Abbe Library
Silke van Dyk, Tilman Reitz and Hartmut Rosa
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presentation of the new book by Silke van Dyk, Tilman Reitz and Hartmut Rosa on goods, infrastructures and world relations in 21st century capitalism

Political conflicts over the distribution of property, precarious infrastructures, technological developments and economic and ecological crises suggest a structural change in property in the 21st century. The contributions in this volume analyse this change from a sociological perspective. They focus in particular on non-industrial goods — from knowledge and information to land and property — as well as collective contributions and infrastructures that increasingly determine capitalist economies. Although private property is more powerful than ever after decades of deregulation and concentration, it is facing a serious crisis and is being supplemented by new orders of access and division, which are also shifting individual and collective world relations.

Participation in the event is also possible online via Zoom.