Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Studium

Information day for prospective students in the field of Music

19. Oct 2024, 10.00 am - 1.00 pm
University of Erfurt and the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, with the support of the Sondershausen State Music Academy
Event type
Event Language(s)
public after registration

The Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar and the University of Erfurt are jointly inviting to a digital information day for prospective students in the field of Music.

Information from the organiser


We would like to invite you to a digital information day to introduce you to various music-related degree programmes in Thuringia.

In doing so, we will show you fields beyond purely instrumental studies and offer you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the special requirements for a degree course and the content of the various entrance examinations. We will also put you in touch with students from various music degree programmes in Thuringia.

We look forward to answering your questions and providing advice and support! The event will cover degree programmes at the University of Erfurt and the Franz Liszt School of Music in Weimar.

We look forward to talking to you!


Please register for participation using the form on the website of the Landesmusikakademie Sondershausen.

to the registration