
Sighard Neckel will speak on 24.06.2024 at 7 pm on the topic "Wealth in the ecological crisis: No right life in the wrong property"

24. Jun 2024, 7.00 pm
StadtLab Jena
SFB "Strukturwandel des Eigentums"
Sighard Neckel
Event type
Event Language(s)

When: 24.06.2024 | 19:00

Where: StadtLab Jena


Wealth plays a major role in causing climate change. Not only because of massive overconsumption, but above all because of the investments made by the wealthy upper classes in a fossil fuel economy, which has caused climate change on the planet in the first place. This raises the question of a property system that would be suitable for protecting the ecological foundations of life and could be based on the consent of broad sections of the population. No fact illustrates the limits of private property rights as dramatically as the threat to the Earth system.

Afterwards, there will be time for questions from and discussions with the audience.