Willy Brandt School of Public Policy

ClientEarth: Using the power of law to protect life on Earth

18. Jan 2022, 9.15 am
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
Prof. Dr. Hermann Ott

On Tuesday, 18 January 2022 at 9:15 am Prof. Dr. Hermann Ott will give a guest lecture on "ClientEarth: Using the power of law to protect life on Earth".

Prof. Dr. Hermann Ott is head of the German office of ClientEarth, an environmental charity "using the law to fight climate change, tackle pollution, defend wildlife and protect people and planet".

Prof. Ott, who has a Ph.D. in International Environmental Law, is not only head of ClientEarth Germany but also Professor for Global Sustainability Strategies and Governance at the University of Sustainable Development in Eberswalde, Germany. Previously, he served as director of the Wuppertal Institute's Climate Policy Division (one of the leading climate- and environment-related think tanks in Germany). From 2009 to 2013, he was a Member of the Bundestag in Berlin and the speaker on climate policy from the green party.

The guest lecture is part of the seminar "Non-state actors in environmental protection and climate action". Please contact Almut Mohr for more information:

Research Associate
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.10