Faculty of Philosophy, Historisches Seminar, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Knowledge, Spaces, and Media, Research

Book presentation "Die DDR nach der DDR. Ostdeutsche Lebenswege"

14. Nov 2024, 6.30 pm
Café Nerly
Oral History Research Centre and Point Alpha Research Institute
Agnès Arp (Oral History Research Centre at the University of Erfurt)
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The Oral History Research Centre of the University of Erfurt and the Point Alpha Research Institute cordially invite you to the book launch with Dr Agnès Arp at Café Nerly.

Information from the organisers

"How does the GDR society still affect the lives of East Germans today? French historians Agnès Arp and Élisa Goudin-Steinmann have investigated this question in their book. The biographical interviews they conducted with 30 former GDR citizens allow for closeness and immediacy, nuances and differentiation - beyond the often one-sided public perception of the GDR as a dictatorship. The interviews reflect the devaluation, re-appropriation and revaluation of East German life paths and show a diverse view of East German realities.

Research associate and head of Oral History Research Unit
(Faculty of Philosophy)
SP2 – Steinplatz 2 / 4te Etage