Change of study programme

Change of subject in the Bachelor's degree programme

According to the general examination regulations (Rahmenprüfungsordnung), a change of main and/or subsidiary subject is only possible at the end of the 1st year of study upon application. The orientation phase must then be successfully completed in the 2nd year of study in the subject that is being taken up.


Change to a subject with open admission

The application for a change of study programme must be submitted in writing to Department 1: Registrar's Office by the end of a summer semester (30.09.).

To change your subject to Art, please participate in the aptitude test. Once you have passed the aptitude test, please enclose the aptitude test certificate with your application for a change of study programme.

For a change of subject to Communication Science, please participate in the aptitude test. Once you have passed the aptitude test, please enclose the aptitude letter with your application for a change of study programme. If you have already passed the aptitude test for the subsidiary subject of Communication Studies and would now like to change to the main subject of Communication Studies, you must take part in the aptitude test for the main subject. If you would like to change your main subject from Communication Studies to the subsidiary subject, please contact the Department of Communication Studies directly to change your original aptitude letter.

If you wish to change your subject to Music, please participate in the aptitude test. Once you have passed the aptitude test, please enclose the aptitude test with your application for a change of programme.

The re-registration deadlines remain unaffected and also apply to an intended change of study programme. For this reason, re-registration in the previous degree programme is required first. A late re-registration fee of 20 € will be charged. The basis for this fee is the General Fee Regulations of the University of Erfurt.

Change to a subject with restricted admission

If you want to change to a subject with restricted admission, you must apply for admission via the student portal (tab 'application') by the deadline (15 July) .

Please note that after starting the online application select your new main or subsidiary subject with restricted admission. For the subject that you are already studying at the University of Erfurt and would like to continue in the 3rd semester in the winter semester, please select ‘Platzhalter für internen Fachwechsel’. Further information on the application and admission procedure can be found on the information page for restricted-admission degree programmes.

The change of study programme will be completed as soon as you have been admitted and you have applied for enrolment on time.

Please note: If you would like to change from the subsidiary subject Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology to the main subject, you must submit an application Antrag auf Zulassung in einem höheren Fachsemesterin addition to the online application.


Antrag auf Studienfachwechsel // application for change of subject

Antrag auf Zulassung zu einem höheren Fachsemester (Quereinstieg, nur für zulassungsbeschränkte Studienfächer!) // application for admission to a higher semester (lateral entry, only for subjects with restricted admission!)