Research projects

University focus areas
Faculty / institution
A Physio Centric Foundation of Law - With Latin American Buen Vivir on the Way to a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Nature?
Project management
Dr. Stefan Knauß
07/2017 - 04/2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
267 228 €
The project explores the provocative claim that we do not only have the obligation to protect nature but to consider nature as a subject of rights on its own.
Denomination - Education - Politics
Project management
Prof. Dr. Michael Gabel
09/2012 - 09/2017
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
500 000 €
Michael Gabel: The BMBF-funded project is a fundamental investigation in the field of cultural education for about 40 locations of student communities (KSG and ESG) in Eastern Germany. On the basis of the research results to be published, this will open up a wide range of scientific projects for universities, colleges, social science institutions and institutions of political education: in the fields of politics, (contemporary) history, education, sociology, philosophy, theology, law, ethics and…
Doctoral programme "De-Globalisation and Global Decoupling" (DeGlobE)
Project management
01/2025 - 12/2029
567 000 €
The doctoral programme "De-Globalisation and Global Decoupling" (DeGlobE) is researching how the recalibration of market and state, economic paradigms and regulatory levels and approaches that is emerging under conditions of de-globalisation manifests itself. On the one hand, DeGlobE is interested in the developing, specific "post-globalisation logics" that characterise these sectors. On the other hand, the question will be asked as to what consequences de-globalisation, unbundling and global…

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(University Communications)
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