| Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, Seminar für Religionswissenschaft, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Research, Events

Monday Lectures in the summer semester

In the summer semester 2025, the Max-Weber-Kolleg of the University of Erfurt, the Department of Religious Studies and the Theological Research Centre will continue their joint "Monday Lectures". The lectures will take place in the research building "Weltbeziehungen". All interested parties are cordially invited to attend.

The event will kick off on 14 April at 4.15 p.m. with Corinne Bonnet, who will give a total of four lectures over three days under the title "Where do the gods live?":

  • 14.04.2025 (4.15 p.m.) – Where do the gods live? (1): "Everything is full of gods"? A comparative mapping of Greek and Semitic gods
  • 28.04.2025 (4.15 p.m.) – Where do the gods live? (2): Small polytheism versus universal polytheism
  • 05.05.2025 (2.15 p.m.) – Where do the gods live? (3): Divine ecology: to live on, in or below the Earth
  • 05.05.2025 (4.15 p.m.) – Where do the gods live? (4): Polis religion: how not to throw the water with the baby

Further dates:

  • 12.05.2025 How to spell empire (Gerdien Jonker & Markus Schlaffke)
  • 19.05.2025 Religious Studies As We Like It: Annemarie Schimmel's research between emancipatory choice and androcentric compulsion (Paulina Rinne)
  • 26.05.2025 The Religious Positioning of Things (Ursula Roth)
  • 02.06.2025 Hellenic Polytheism in Contemporary Greece and the Symbolic Struggle over Identity (Efstathios Kessareas)
  • 16.06.2025 The early Christians facing the challenge of "war". Interpretations and strategies of coping (Heike Grieser)
  • 30.06.2025 Religion, Climate Change, and Risks to Peace and Security: Insights from Mozambique and Zimbabwe (Joram Tarusarira)
  • 07.07.2025 History of Religion as Family History: Late Antiquity as a Genealogical and Typological Category of Religious Studies (Andreas Merkt)

Further information on the individual lectures can be found in our calendar of events.

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