| Max-Weber-Kolleg

New post on the research blog WortMelder: "What Can Corporate Action Contribute to Resonant Experiences and Successful World Relations?"

The world is changing, and so is the world of work. Whereas the objective has basically been "higher, faster, further" since the Enlightenment, the pure logic of increase no longer works everywhere today. And in many cases it is no longer tenable from an ethical or sustainability point of view. The exploitation of the earth for the sake of profit maximization will sooner or later destroy our living space and make people ill. Resources are limited, the climate is changing, and pandemics - such as the recent COVID - pose enormous challenges to our society. We have to rethink. But how? Do we need new ethical principles - also and especially in companies? And how can they contribute to ensuring that our children and grandchildren can still experience successful world relationships? These questions are addressed by apl. Prof. Dr. Bettina Hollstein and Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa from the Max-Weber-Kolleg at the University of Erfurt in an article they have now published under the title "Social Acceleration: A Challenge for Companies? Insights for Business Ethics from Resonance Theory" in the Journal of Business Ethics. In it, they outline a sociological perspective on processes of social acceleration that affect organizations and identify acceleration cycles that put increasing pressure on companies and lead to experiences of alienation.

"WortMelder" asked the two: "What can corporate action contribute to experiences of resonance and successful world relations, and how would it have to be designed for this?"

Read the entire blog post here (in German).