Max-Weber-Kolleg, SPF Religion. Gesellschaft. Weltbeziehung., SPF Wissen. Räume. Medien.

Local self-governance and urban property relations: Historical and present perspectives

26. Oct 2023, 10.00 am
FSU Jena
SFB 294 "Strukturwandel des Eigentums"
Event type
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with registration

Workshop of the SFB 294 "Structural Change of Property" at the University of Jena. The workshop is organised in cooperation between the historical subproject B07 "Property Concepts and Property Conflicts in Privatisation.Municipal Self-Government and Municipal Property in Eastern Europe since 1990" and the sociological subproject C04 "Conflicts over the Public and the Future of the Commons. Property relations in the context of welfare state transformation".

CfP and further information

We invite empirical and theoretical contributions from sociological, geographical, anthropological and historical perspectives by 31.03.2023. Topics could be:

  • Path dependencies and ruptures in urban property relations.
  • Debates about private vs. collective vs. communal ownership
  • Struggles for participation in the urban environment and their connection to ownership
  • Scope of action for local governments on property issues
  • Conflicts and tensions between property-related and democracy-related claims
  • Prospects for economic democracy at the urban level
  • Self-management as a (neo-)liberal or anti-liberal concept
For more information, please visit the SFB's page