| Interne Serviceseiten, Studium, Zentrale Veranstaltungen

New course programme of the eTeach Network Thuringia is online

In the winter semester of 2022/23, the eTeach Network Thuringia will again offer a diverse programme of courses for further education in the field of media-enriched university teaching. The new offers are now online.

Thematically, it is divided into three areas of competence: In the area of fundamentals of higher education and media didactics, basics are taught that represent an important foundation for well-structured, data-secure and didactically meaningful, media-related teaching offers. The area of media-related competences includes courses that explicitly deal with media-enriched applications and settings in teaching. In addition to teaching, the main focus is on testing and adapting to one's own teaching-learning settings. In the area of Personal Competences and Contexts, the focus is on the individual, social and socially relevant framework conditions of teaching, learning and testing.

The courses take place in presence, hybrid or online. You will receive the relevant information via the course description or in advance of the event. The eTeach courses are free of charge for all participants and can be booked via the respective course description. A new event management system is used for this purpose, which facilitates the coordination of bookings and communication with you. As the number of participants for the courses is limited, we would like to ask you to only enrol in courses that you really want to attend.

In September, the eTeach network will start with the following courses:
•    2. September: "Kompetenzorientiertes Prüfen" (online)
•    7. September: "Screencast in der Lehre" (if possible in presence)
•    9. September: "Gamification in der Lehre: Lernen mit virtuellen Welten" (if possible in presence)
•    13. September: "Feedback, Dialog und Konfliktfähigkeit" (online)
•    16. September: "Mobile, minimale und kosteneffiziente Toolkits für hybride Lehr-Lernsettings" (online)
•    29. September: "Inverted Classroom" (online)

If you have any questions about media-enriched teaching, learning and testing at the University of Erfurt, please do not hesitate to contact us personally.


Maren Würfel
Maren Würfel
Staff eTeach
(University of Erfurt)
Lehrgebäude 2 / Raum 103