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New service from Department 4: Facility Management

Electrical appliances, so-called "portable equipment", which are plugged into a socket at the University of Erfurt must be tested. This examination takes place on site in the offices at regular intervals. However, it also happens that members of the university bring privately purchased devices (e.g. coffee machines, mobile phone chargers) into the office and use them there. These must also be checked before use. Department 4: Facility Management now offers a new service for this.

From 5 August, such electrical appliances can be brought to the office of the building technicians or key management in the University Library (room 041) or registered for examination by calling 737-5344.

opening hours:
Monday: 9–11am
Tuesday: 13–15pm
Wednesday: 9–11am

Appliances are accepted there against a receipt, checked and made available for collection. Larger newly purchased appliances (e.g. refrigerators, microwaves, etc.) can of course also be tested directly at the place of installation. However, the following also applies here: The examination must be carried out before commissioning.

Department 4 explicitly points out once again that the University of Erfurt accepts no liability for damage caused by untested equipment that is brought into the office and used privately.