In the anniversary publication for Lorenz Oberlinner, Prof. Bauer was invited to write a short study on the role of the family of Jesus in the early Jesus movement, following up on the dissertation of the honored. With this contribution, Prof. Bauer expresses his gratitude for the wonderful time spent at the New Testament department in Freiburg in Breisgau.
With his studies on the historical Jesus, on the Pastoral Epistles, on Paul and Pauline theology as well as on the early Christian communities, Lorenz Oberlinner has influenced Catholic exegesis in a lasting way.
Th. J. Bauer: „Die »Brüder des Herrn« in frühchristlicher Zeit. Konstruktion und Funktion der Erinnerung an die Familie Jesu“, in: G. Häfner et al. (Hgg.), Altes und Neues hervorholen (Mt 13,52). Festschrift für Lorenz Oberlinner. SBS 254, Stuttgart 2022, 17–41.