| Interne Serviceseiten, Service, Veranstaltungen

Annual training programme 2024 published

The Thuringian Ministry of the Interior and Local Government has published its 2024 continuing education programme for employees of the Thuringian state administration. Subject to available capacity, the events are also open to employees of the University of Erfurt.

Seminars can be booked on the following topics:

  • successful leadership (leadership skills for prospective managers/personnel management/seminar for experienced managers, leading in special situations)
  • law and legislation
  • working techniques
  • personnel
  • modern administration
  • economic action
  • Europe
  • transnational cooperation

The programme and further information on further education for members of the University of Erfurt can be found on our internal service web pages.


Jens Panse
Jens Panse
(Department 2: Human Ressources)