
Praktische Philosophie als systematische Philosophie? Nicolai Hartmanns Werttheorie, Ethik und Philosophie der Moral im Lichte gegenwärtiger Diskussionen.

17. Jul 2024 - 19. Jul 2024
IBZ (Internationales Begegnungszentrum)
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Public with registration

In the face of crises and uncertainties, talking about values promises stability and certainty of action. From a philosophical perspective, however, this raises fundamental questions: Is a pluralistic reference to values even possible? What types of values are there? How are values related to phenomena of practical normativity such as conscience, moral imperatives and virtues? Does the assumption of values exclude historicity and cultural diversity?

The aim of this conference is to analyse Nicolai Hartmann's contributions to practical Philosophy in this field of tension. Hartmann's approach cannot simply be reduced to a 'value platonism', but rather defends the plurality of different types of values, offers reconstructions of normative experiences and describes morality as a historical cultural form that mediates our access to values in the first place. He thus offers himself as a point of reference for a reading of philosophical value theory that seeks a middle way between objectivism and relativism, and in doing so makes a serious proposal for the systematic linking of different fields of practical philosophising.

Please register in advance.


Moritz von Kalckreuth
Dr. Moritz von Kalckreuth
Associated Junior Fellow
(Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)