Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät

64th Young Conference on Public Law

13. Aug 2024 - 15. Aug 2024
Paulinum, Bundesverwaltungsgericht and teaching building of the University of Leipzig
Universities of Leipzig, Erfurt and Jena
Event type
Event Language(s)
after registration

The 64th Young Conference on Public Law will be focussing on questions of future constitutional law. In view of the multitude of current challenges, the organisers are particularly inviting participants to discuss the topoi of ecological, defensive and participatory elements of (future) constitutional law.

The call for papers runs until 29 February 2024.

Participation at the opening evening

The organisers cordially invite all interested parties to the opening evening of the 64th JTÖR and the subsequent champagne reception! The event will take place on 13 August 2024 in the Paulinum on the main campus of Leipzig University. The opening evening starts at 6.00 pm (admission 5.30 pm).

In addition to a keynote speech by Professor Dr Astrid Wallrabenstein, a judge at the Federal Constitutional Court, there will be a panel discussion on the topic of "Ganz oder gar nicht smart? Wie sich unsere Verfassung vor ihren Feinden schützt – und wie sie es tun sollte" with Professor Friedhelm Hufen, Konstantin Kuhle (MP), Maximilian Steinbeis (Verfassungsblog) and Marlene Grunert (FAZ).

to the registration

contact at the University of Erfurt:

Wissenschaflicher Mitarbeiter und Habilitand an der Professur für Öffentliches Recht und Grundlagen des Rechts
(Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Lehrgebäude 1 / Raum 0207