Programme Student Orientation Days from 07.10. to 10.10.2024

Welcome to the University of Erfurt!

Programm Bachelor-Studium

Programme for all bachelor's programmes

+++ Monday, 7 October 2024 +++

The STET will begin for you on Monday, 07.10.2024, with the opening event of the faculty at which your Bachelor's major or the undergraduate Magister programme in Catholic Theology is offered. Therefore, please attend the opening event of the faculty of your major subject .

Faculty of Education

(Educational Science, Special Education and Inclusive Pedagogy, Arts, Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology, Music, Primary Education, Technology)

9.00-10.30 a.m. s.t.: Opening and information sessions (Group 1)

9.00-9.30 a.m.: Opening event of the Faculty of Education (Group 1)

The faculty welcomes you to study in Erfurt. Please only attend this opening event if you are majoring in the following degree programmes:

  • Educational Science,
  • Primary Education or
  • Technology.

Location: C21 - KIZ, Lecture Hall 1

9.30-10.30 a.m.: Lecture "Overview Bachelor Studies" & brief presentation of the Language Centre

Here you will get an overview of the Bachelor's degree programme (study system, admission procedure, etc.) as well as a brief introduction to the Language Centre.

Location: C21 - KIZ, Lecture Hall 1

11.00-12.30 s.t.: Opening and information sessions (group 2)

11.00-11.30 a.m.: Opening event of the Faculty of Education (Group 2)

The faculty welcomes you to study in Erfurt. Please only attend this opening event if you are majoring in the following degree programmes:

  • Special Education and Inclusive Pedagogy,
  • Arts,
  • Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology or
  • Music.

Location: C07 - Teaching Building 2, Lecture Hall 5 (right entrance)

11.30-12.30: Lecture "Overview Bachelor's degree programme" & brief presentation of the Language Centre

Here you will get an overview of the Bachelor's degree programme (study system, admission procedure, etc.) as well as a brief introduction to the Language Centre.

Location: C07 - teaching building 2, lecture hall 5 (right entrance)

12.00-17.30 s.t.: Getting to know each other with tutors

12.00-17.30: Get to know each other with tutors

For all Bachelor students: In the afternoon, the tutor groups meet in different time slots (12-13.30 or 14-15.30 or 16-17.30) on the University of Erfurt campus. The slots are not freely selectable. The tutors will inform you by e-mail in the week before the STET when and where you will meet with your group.

12.30-16.30: First semester gift from the University of Erfurt

Between 12.30 and 16.30 you will also receive your first semester welcome bag from the university in C03 - teaching building 1 in room 135. Please bring the questionnaire you received on Monday morning.

16.00-22.00: Get-together on the campus

The aim of our event is to give the new students a warm welcome and give them the opportunity to get to know their future fellow students in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. With lots of fun and games, we want to make it easier for them to get started and help them make valuable contacts and feel at home in their new place of residence. The get-together is organised by the Student Council.

Faculty of Catholic Theology

(Catholic Religion, Magister Catholic Theology, Teaching profession Catholic Religion State Examination with FSU Jena)

9.00-10.30 a.m. s.t.: Opening and information events

09.00-9.30 Opening event of the Faculty of Catholic Theology

The faculty welcomes you to study in Erfurt. Please only attend this opening event if you are majoring in Catholic Religion or studying for a Master's degree in Theology.

Location: C14 - Villa Martin (yellow building behind the library), meeting room

9.30-10.30 a.m.: Lecture "Overview of Bachelor's and Magister Theologiae studies" & brief presentation of the Language Centre

Here you will get an overview of the Bachelor's and Magister Theologiae degree programmes (study system, admission procedures, etc.) as well as a brief introduction to the Language Centre.

Location: C21 - KIZ, Lecture Hall 1

14.00-15.00 s.t.: General and subject introduction to teaching profession Catholic Religion (state examination with FSU Jena)

14.00-15.00: General and subject introduction to teaching profession Catholic Religion (state examination with FSU Jena)

The event is only aimed at students studying Catholic Religion for the teaching profession secondary schools/grammar schools (state examination) in cooperation with the FSU Jena.

Location: C14 - Villa Martin (staff building 3), office DG 7

12.00-17.30 s.t.: Getting to know each other with tutors

12.00-17.30: Get to know each other with tutors

For all Bachelor students: In the afternoon, the tutor groups meet in different time slots (12-13.30 or 14-15.30 or 16-17.30) on the University of Erfurt campus. The slots are not freely selectable. The tutors will inform you by e-mail in the week before the STET when and where you will meet with your group.

12.30-16.30: First semester gift from the University of Erfurt

Between 12.30 and 16.30 you will also receive your first semester welcome bag from the university in teaching building 1 in room 135. Please bring the questionnaire you received on Monday morning with you.

16.00-22.00: Get-together on the campus

The aim of our event is to give the new students a warm welcome and give them the opportunity to get to know their future fellow students in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. With lots of fun and games, we want to make it easier for them to get started and help them make valuable contacts and feel at home in their new place of residence. The get-together is organised by the Student Council.

Faculty of Philosophy

(English and American Studies, German Studies, History, Communication Studies, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies)

9.00-10.30 a.m. s.t.: Opening and information events

09.00-9.30 Opening event of the Faculty of Philosophy

The faculty welcomes you to study in Erfurt. Please only attend this opening event if you are majoring in English and American Studies, German Studies, History, Communication Studies, Literary Studies, Philosophy or Religious Studies .

Location: C07 - Teaching Building 2, Lecture Hall 5 (right entrance)

9.30-10.30 a.m.: Lecture "Overview Bachelor Studies" & brief presentation of the Language Centre

Here you will get an overview of the Bachelor's degree programme (study system, admission procedure, etc.) as well as a brief introduction to the Language Centre.

Location: C07 - teaching building 2, lecture hall 5 (right entrance)

12.00-17.30 s.t.: Getting to know each other with tutors

12.00-17.30: Get to know each other with tutors

For all Bachelor students: In the afternoon, the tutor groups meet in different time slots (12-13.30 or 14-15.30 or 16-17.30) on the University of Erfurt campus. The slots are not freely selectable. The tutors will inform you by e-mail in the week before the STET when and where you will meet with your group.

12.30-16.30: First semester gift from the University of Erfurt

Between 12.30 and 16.30 you will also receive your first semester welcome bag from the university in teaching building 1 in room 135. Please bring the questionnaire you received on Monday morning with you.

16.00-22.00: Get-together on the campus

The aim of our event is to give the new students a warm welcome and give them the opportunity to get to know their future fellow students in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. With lots of fun and games, we want to make it easier for them to get started and help them make valuable contacts and feel at home in their new place of residence. The get-together is organised by the Student Council.

Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences

(International Relations, Management, Economics, Law and Social Sciences - Economics concentration)

11.00-12.30 s.t.: Opening and information events

11.00-11.30 a.m. Opening event of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences

The faculty welcomes you to study in Erfurt. Please only attend this opening event if you are majoring in International Relations or Economics, Law and Social Sciences - Economics concentration.

Location: C21 - KIZ, Lecture Hall 1

11.30-12.30: Lecture "Overview Bachelor's degree programme" & brief presentation of the Language Centre

Here you will get an overview of the Bachelor's degree programme (study system, admission procedure, etc.) as well as a brief introduction to the Language Centre.

Location: C21 - KIZ, Lecture Hall 1

14.00-17.30 s.t.: Getting to know each other with tutors

14.00-17.30: Get to know each other with tutors

For all Bachelor students: In the afternoon, the tutor groups meet in different time slots (2.00 pm - 3.30 pm or 4.00 pm - 5.30 pm) on the University of Erfurt campus. The slots are not freely selectable. The tutors will inform you by e-mail in the week before the STET when and where you will meet with your group.

12.30-16.30: First semester gift from the University of Erfurt

Between 12.30 and 16.30 you will also receive your first semester welcome bag from the university in teaching building 1 in room 135. Please bring the questionnaire you received on Monday morning with you.

16.00-22.00: Get-together on the campus

The aim of our event is to give the new students a warm welcome and give them the opportunity to get to know their future fellow students in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. With lots of fun and games, we want to make it easier for them to get started and help them make valuable contacts and feel at home in their new place of residence. The get-together is organised by the Student Council.

First semester gift

On Monday, 7 October, from 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm in C03 - teaching building 1, room 135, you will receive the University of Erfurt welcome bag on presentation of the completed questionnaire (which will be handed out on the Monday after the first event). It is best to come along with your tutor group. We look forward to seeing you!

Studierende im Seminar Uni Erfurt
Studierende im Hörsaal von oben
Studierende im Hörsaal Uni Erfurt

+++ Tuesday, 8 October 2024 +++

9.00-10.00 a.m. s.t.: Introduction to teacher training for Bachelor students

9.00-10.00 a.m.: Introduction to teacher training for Bachelor students

The event is only aimed at students who are studying for a teaching profession (primary schools, secondary schools, Special Needs Pedagogy).

Location: C21 - KIZ, Lecture Hall 1

9.00-10.00 a.m. s.t.: Information event for international first-year students

9.00-10.00 a.m.: Information event for international first-year students

An information event organised by the International Office for Bachelor students. The event is aimed at international first-year students.

Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D03 (top floor)

10.15-11.15 a.m. s.t.: Subject introductions in the main subjects (except Economics, Law and Social Sciences)

10.15-11.15 a.m. s.t.: Subject introductions in the main subjects (except Economics, Law and Social Sciences)

  • English and American Studies:
    Location: C07 – Teaching Building 2, Room 131
  • Educational Science:
    Location: C03 – Teaching Building 1 , Lecture hall 3
  • Special Education and Inclusive Pedagogy:
    Location: C07 – Teaching Building 2, Lecture Hall 6
  • German Studies:
    Location: C21 – KIZ, Lecture hall 2
  • History:
    Location: C18 – Teaching Building 4, Room D08
  • Catholic Religion:
    Location: C14 – Villa Martin, staff building 3, conference room
  • Communication Science:
    Location: C07 – Teaching Building 2, Room 213
  • Arts:
    Attention: Friday, 11.10.24!
    H1a – Teaching Building 3 (Am Hügel 1, Old Town Erfurt), Lecture hall
  • Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology:
    Location: C01 – Audimax Building, Room 0012
  • Literary Studies:
    Location: C18 – Teaching Building 4, Room D04
  • Music:
    Location: P19 – Pushkinstraße 19, Room 0.01 (off campus)
  • Philosophy:
    Location: C18 – Teaching building 4, Room D05
  • Primary Education:
    Location: C21 – KIZ, Lecture hall 1
  • Religious Studies:
    Location: C18 – Teaching Building 4, Room D02
  • Technology:
    Location: C06 – Teaching Building 2/annex on the right, Room 0.12 or 0.16 (technical laboratories)

10.15-11.15 a.m. s.t.: Introduction to Magister Catholic Theology

10.15-11.15 a.m.: Introduction to the Master's programme in Catholic Theology

Location: C14 - Villa Martin (staff building 3), meeting room

12.00-17.30 s.t.: Exchange on the main subject with tutors

12.00-17.30: Exchange on the main subject with tutors

In the afternoon, the tutor groups meet in different time slots (12-13.30 or 14-15.30 or 16-17.30) on the University of Erfurt campus. The slots are not freely selectable. The tutors will inform you by e-mail when and where your group will meet.

+++ Wednesday, 9 October 2024 +++

9.00-10.00 a.m. s.t.: Subject introduction for Economics, Law and Social Sciences majors and minors (incl. International Relations, Management)

9.00-10.00 a.m.: Subject introduction for Economics, Law and Social Sciences majors and minors (incl. International Relations, Management)

Are you a major or minor student at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences? Then attend this event to find out everything you need to know about studying Economics, Law and Social Sciences.

Location: C21 - KIZ, Lecture Hall 1

10.15-11.15 a.m. s.t.: Introduction to the minor subjects (except Economics, Law and Social Sciences)

10.15-11.15 a.m. s.t.: Introduction to the minor subjects (except Economics, Law and Social Sciences)

  • English and American Studies:
    Location: C07 Teaching Building 2, Lecture Hall 6
  • Educational Science:
    Location: C07 – Teaching Building 2, Room 131
  • Protestant Religion:
    Location: C18 – Teaching Building 4, Room D02
  • German Studies:
    Location: C21– KIZ, Lecture hall 2
  • History:
    Location: C03 – Teaching Building 1, Lecture Hall 4
  • Catholic Religion:
    Location: C14 – Villa Martin (staff building 3), conference room
  • Communication Studies:
    Location: C18 – Teaching Building 4, Room D07
  • Arts:
    Attention: Friday, 11 October from 11 a.m.
    Location: H1a – Teaching Building 3 (Am Hügel 1, Altstadt Erfurt), Lecture hall
  • Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology:
    Location: C07 – Teaching Building 2, Lecture hall 5
  • Literary Studies:
    Location: C18 – Teaching Building 4, Room D06
  • Mathematics:
    Location: C21 – KIZ, Lecture hall 1
  • Music:
    Location: P19 – Pushkinstraße 19, Room 0.01 (off campus)
  • Philosophy:
    Location: C03 – Teaching Building 1, Lecture hall 3
  • Religious Studies:
    Location: C18 – Teaching Building 4, Room D08
  • Romance Studies:
    Location: C18 – Teaching Building 4, Room D03
  • Slavic Studies:
    Location: C18 – Teaching Building 4, Room 0103
  • Sport and Movement Education:
    Location: C07 – Teaching Building 2, Room 114
  • Technology:
    Location: C06 – Teaching Building 2/Annex on the right, Room 0.12 or 0.16 (technical laboratories)

12.00-14.00 s.t.: Lay Mentoring (Catholic Theology)

12.00-14.00: Lay mentoring (Catholic theology)

12.00-17.30 s.t.: Exchange on the minor subject with tutors

12.00-17.30: Exchange on the minor subject with tutors

In the afternoon, the tutor groups meet in different time slots (12-13.30 or 14-15.30 or 16-17.30) on the University of Erfurt campus. The slots are not freely selectable. The tutors will inform you by e-mail when and where your group will meet.

+++ Thursday, 10 October 2024 +++

09.00-10.00 s.t.: Information on the services offered by the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) with a focus on student financing (online)

09.00-10.00: Information event organised by the Studierendenwerk (advice, accommodation, financing)

This event will provide you with important information about financing your studies, living in Erfurt and the advisory services offered by the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk).

The event will be streamed on the university's YouTube channel "Uni Erfurt Live". Questions can be sent via the YouTube chat or by email to

to the live stream of the lecture of the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)

If you do not want to use the YouTube stream, you can also participate via Webex.

10.10-11.00 s.t.: Moodle, Webex, WISEflow and Co. - Information event on digital tools for studying (online)

10.10-11.00 s.t.: Moodle, Webex, WISEflow and Co. - Information event on digital tools for studying (online)

The lecture is an introduction to the tools Moodle, Webex, Wiseflow, etc. by the eTeach team of the University of Erfurt and takes place online via Webex.

to the online event "Moodle, Webex, WISEflow and Co."

11:30-12:45 s.t.: Introduction to languages in theology (Latin/Greek/Hebrew)

11.30-12.00: State examination teaching profession Gymnasium & Magister Theologiae (Latin/Greek)

Venue: Coelicum, Domstraße 10

12.15-12:45 State examination teaching profession Gymnasium & Magister Theologiae (Hebrew)

Location: Seminar room 1, Domstraße 10

12.15-12.45 s.t.: Introduction to languages for the bachelor's programme in Catholic Religion

12.15-12.45: Introduction to languages for the Catholic Religion bachelor's programme

Exclusively for the Bachelor's programme Catholic Religion (Latin/Greek)

Location: Coelicum, Domstraße 10

12.00-17.30 s.t.: Exchange on timetabling with tutors

12.00-17.30: Exchange on timetabling with tutors

In the afternoon, the tutor groups meet in different time slots (12-13.30 or 14-15.30 or 16-17.30) on the University of Erfurt campus. The slots are not freely selectable. The tutors will inform you by e-mail when and where your group will meet.

+++ Friday, 11 October 2024 +++

Programm duales Studium

Programme for dual bachelor's programme

+++ Monday, 7 October 2024 +++

13.00-15.00: Introduction to the dual study programme for regular school teaching

13.00-15.00: Introduction to the dual teacher training programme (dual bachelor's programme)

We warmly welcome our first year of the dual degree programme in regular school teaching. At this event, you will receive your welcome bag and all the information you need for your studies.

Location: C21 - KIZ, lecture hall 2

16.00-22.00: Get-together on the campus

16.00-22.00: Get-together on campus for all new students

The aim of our event is to give the new students a warm welcome and give them the opportunity to get to know their future fellow students in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. With lots of fun and games, we want to make it easier for them to get started and help them make valuable contacts and feel at home in their new place of residence. The get-together is organised by the Student Council.

+++ Tuesday, 8 October 2024 +++

10.15-11.15 a.m.: Introductions to subject 1

10.15-11.15 a.m.: Introductions to subject 1

  • English and American Studies:
  • German Studies:
  • Mathematics:
  • Technology:

12.00-13.30: Exchange with tutors on subject 1

12.00-13.30: Exchange with tutors on subject 1

+++ Wednesday, 9 October 2024 +++

10.15-11.15 a.m.: Introductions to subject 2

10.15-11.15 a.m.: Introductions to subject 2

  • English and American Studies:
  • German Studies:
  • Mathematics:
  • Technology:

12.00-13.30: Exchange with tutors on subject 2

12.00-13.30: Exchange with tutors on subject 1

+++ Thursday, 10 October 2024 +++

09.00-10.00 s.t.: Information on the services offered by the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) with a focus on student financing (online)

09.00-10.00: Information event organised by the Studierendenwerk (advice, accommodation, financing)

In this event, you will receive important information about financing your studies, living in Erfurt and the advisory services offered by the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk).

The event will be streamed on the university's YouTube channel "Uni Erfurt Live". Questions can be sent via the YouTube chat or by email to

to the live stream of the lecture of the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)

If you do not want to use the YouTube stream, you can also participate via Webex.

10.10-11.00 s.t.: Moodle, Webex, WISEflow and Co. - Information event on digital tools for studying (online)

10.10-11.00 s.t.: Moodle, Webex, WISEflow and Co. - Information event on digital tools for studying (online)

The lecture is an introduction to the tools Moodle, Webex, Wiseflow, etc. by the eTeach team of the University of Erfurt and takes place online via Webex.

to the online event "Moodle, Webex, WISEflow and Co."

Programm Master-Studium

Programme for master's programmes (incl. WBS certificate)

+++ Monday, 7 October 2024 +++

16.00-22.00: Get-together on the campus

16.00-22.00: Get-together on campus for all new students

The aim of our event is to give the new students a warm welcome and give them the opportunity to get to know their future fellow students in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. With lots of fun and games, we want to make it easier for them to get started and help them make valuable contacts and feel at home in their new place of residence. The get-together is organised by the Student Council.

+++ Tuesday, 8 October 2024 +++

8.30-09.30 s.t.: Welcome & general introduction for Master students (including MEd)

8.30-09.30: Welcome & general introduction for Master's students

The event is aimed at all Master's students (except teaching profession vocational schools). In this lecture, you will learn everything you need to know about the study system and admission procedures.

Location: C07 - teaching building 2, lecture hall 5

10.00-11.00 a.m. s.t.: Welcome & general introduction for teaching profession vocational schools/WBS certificate

10.00-11.00 a.m.: Welcome & general introduction for teaching profession vocational schools/WBS certificate

The event is aimed at Master of Education Vocational Schools students and WBS certificate students. In this lecture, you will learn everything you need to know about the degree programme system and admission procedures.

Location: C07 - Teaching building 2 in lecture hall 5

+++ Wednesday, 9 October 2024 +++

9.00-10.00 a.m. s.t.: Subject introduction for teaching profession at vocational schools

9.00-10.00 a.m.: Subject introduction for teaching profession at vocational schools

The event is aimed at Master students of the Master of Education Vocational Schools teaching profession.

Location: C01 – AMG in Room 0007 (entrance directly behind the main entrance, next to the postbox)

9.00-10.00 a.m. s.t.: Subject introduction for all master's programmes (without MEd)

9.00-10.00 a.m. s.t.: Subject introduction for all master's programmes

The course is aimed at Master's students (except teacher training students).

  • Applied Linguistics - Acquisition, Processing and Use of Language
    +++ 9.00-12.00 +++
    Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D05
  • Democracy and Economy
    Location: C03 - Teaching Building 1, Lecture Hall 4, further programme of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
  • Educational Science - Management and research in the education system
    Location: C07 - Teaching Building 2, Room 131
  • History transculturally
    Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D02
  • Health communication
    +++ Monday, 14 October 2024, 10.00-12.00 +++
    Location: C19 - New research building, seminar room
  • Global Communication: Politics and Society
    Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D07
  • Children's and Youth Media Studies
    Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D08
  • Literary Studies
    +++ Friday, 11 October 2024, 10.00-11.00 a.m. +++
    C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D06
  • Philosophy
    Location: C18 - teaching building 4, room D04
  • Psychology with a focus on teaching, learning and skills development
    Location: AMG (right entrance from teaching building 1), in room 0012 Further programme of the Master's programme in Psychology
  • Religious Studies
    Location: C07 - Teaching Building 2, Room 14
  • Special and Inclusive Education
    +++ 9.00-10.30 a.m. +++
    Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D01
  • Economics , Law and Social Sciences
    Location: C03 - Teaching Building 1, Lecture Hall 4, further programme of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
  • Theology and Economics
    Venue: C14 - Villa Martin, conference room

9.00-10.00 a.m. s.t.: Subject introduction for WBS certificate (social sciences)

9.00-10.00 a.m. s.t.: Subject introduction for WBS certificate (social sciences)

Subject introductions to the Bachelor's minor subjects

  • Economics, Law and Social Sciences
    Location: C21 – KIZ, Lecture Hall 1

10.15-11.15 a.m. s.t.: Subject introduction for WBS certificate (without social sciences)

10.15-11.15 a.m. s.t.: Subject introduction for WBS certificate (without social sciences)

Subject introductions to the Bachelor's minor subjects

  • English and American Studies:
    Location: C07 - Teaching Building 2, Lecture Hall 6
  • Educational Science:
    Location: C07 - Teaching Building 2, Room 131
  • Protestant Religion:
    Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D02
  • German Studies:
    Location: C21 - KIZ, lecture hall 2
  • History:
    Location: C03 - Teaching Building 1, Lecture Hall 4
  • Catholic Religion:
    Location: C14 - Villa Martin (staff building 3), conference room
  • Arts:
    Attention: Friday, 11.10.24, from 11 a.m.
    Location: H1a - Teaching Building 3 (Am Hügel 1, Altstadt Erfurt), lecture hall
  • Mathematics:
    Location: C21 - KIZ, lecture hall 1
  • Music:
    Location: P19 - Puschkinstraße 19, Room 0.01 (off campus)
  • Philosophy:
    Location: C03 - Teaching Building 1, Lecture Hall 3
  • Religious Studies:
    Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D08
  • Romance Studies:
    Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D03
  • Slavic Studies:
    Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room 0103
  • Economics, Law and Social Sciences:
    Location: C21 - KIZ, Lecture Hall 1 (Wednesday, 9.10.24, 9.00-10.00 a.m.)
  • Technology:
    Location: C06 - teaching building 2/annex on the right, room 0.12 or 0.16 (technical laboratories)

11.30 a.m.-4.00 p.m.: Introductory and familiarisation event by students of higher semesters for M.Ed. vocational schools

11.30 a.m. - 4 p.m. s.t.: Introductory and familiarisation event by students of higher semesters for M.Ed. vocational schools

The event is aimed at Master students of the Master of Education Vocational Schools.

Location: C01 – AMG (Audimax building), Room 0007

+++ Thursday, 10 October 2024 +++

09.00-10.00 s.t.: Information event of the Studierendenwerk - Counselling, Housing, Financing (online)

09.00-10.00: Information event organised by the Studierendenwerk (advice, accommodation, financing)

In this event, you will receive important information about financing your studies, living in Erfurt and the advisory services offered by the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk).

The event will be streamed on the university's YouTube channel "Uni Erfurt Live". Questions can be sent via the YouTube chat or by email to

to the live stream of the lecture of the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)

If you do not want to use the YouTube stream, you can also participate via Webex.

10.10-11.00 s.t.: Moodle, Webex, WISEflow and Co. - Information event on digital tools for studying (online)

10.10-11.00 s.t.: Moodle, Webex, WISEflow and Co. - Information event on digital tools for studying (online)

The lecture is an introduction to the tools Moodle, Webex, Wiseflow, etc. by the eTeach team of the University of Erfurt and takes place online via Webex.

to the online event "Moodle, Webex, WISEflow and Co."

11.00-12.00 s.t.: Information session for international students by the International Office

11.00-12.00 s.t.: Information from the International Office for international students

Event for Master's students

Location: C18 - Teaching Building 4, Room D08 (top floor)

Note for students on the Master of Education Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Special Needs Pedagogy programmes (excluding vocational schools)

Please note that the kick-off events for the Master's programmes(not for bachelor's programmes) take place digitally and before the Student Orientation Days.

The events for the teaching profession for vocational schools will take place during the STET week.

Students on the Master's of Education programmes in Primary and Secondary Schools and Special Needs Pedagogy can pick up their welcome bags on 7 October from 12:30-16:30 in teaching building 1, room 135.

Information on these events:

Erfurt School of Education Online
Students on campus
Studierende vor der Willy Brandt School Erfurt
Students on campus


Haven't heard anything yet?

If you are a Bachelor's student and have not heard from your tutor by 7 October 2024, please contact Department 1: Registrar's Office from 7.30 a.m. on this day. You will find it in the administration building (pink building), centre entrance.

Starting university and haven't found a flat yet?

It is possible to stay overnight in the city's hostels and youth hostels as well as holiday flats for a short time, e.g. while looking for accommodation. Information and links can be found on our page on "Accommodation in Erfurt". Perhaps you'll make a nice acquaintance during the STET week and start a new flat share.

Wohnen in Erfurt
Studi Welcome 2024!

Studi Welcome Event on 15 October for first-semester students at Erfurt's universities with Paul Wetz and others.

Tickets für das Event
City tour for all first-year students

We invite you to a free city tour on Sunday, 6 October, at 3 pm.

zur Stadtführung anmelden

Where is what?

The pocket plan will help you find your way around in the first few weeks. You will also receive it in your first semester bag.

Download the pocket plan (pdf)

Questions about the programme?
