Research projects

University focus areas
Faculty / institution
Black and Deaf Western Missionaries and Deaf Education in Ghana and Nigeria: The Story of Berta and Andrew Foster - A Case Study in Global History
Project management
PD Dr. Anja Werner
07/2022 - 06/2025
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
356 650 €
Anja Werner: I examine deaf missionaries Andrew and Berta Foster, who starting in 1957 founded more than 30 schools and churches for the deaf in thirteen African countries.
Establishment of a cross-university "Scientific Coordination Unit for Dealing with the Colonial Heritage in Thuringia".
Project management
Prof. Dr. Christiane Kuller
09/2021 - 08/2024
Several donors
300 000 €
The coordination unit builds on the existing expertise on the topic of "colonial heritage" at the Universities of Erfurt and Jena and aims to network and strengthen activities in the future with regard to research, teaching and social dialogue.
Establishment of an oral history research centre
09/2021 - 09/2025
The research centre focuses on the "East German experience". The research centre takes up the specifics of the GDR and transformation period and discusses the methodology of oral history in this context. As a central institution of this kind in the East German Länder, the research centre is to be expanded into a supra-regional centre and, in terms of its design, be a building block of the nationwide network of oral history institutions that is currently being established.
Globalisation and Local Knowledge
Project management
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau
09/2012 - 02/2016
Several donors
300 000 €
The research project is to be understood as a pilot project, which is intended to comprehensively demonstrate the research potential of the cartographic-geographical "The Gotha Perthes Collection" acquired by the Free State of Thuringia in 2003 for the first time. In addition, it is intended to contribute to the further development of the collection and to establish a virtual map laboratory, the "GlobMapLaboratory".
History of the State Ministries in Baden and Württemberg During the NS Era
Project management
Prof. Dr. Christiane Kuller
01/2014 - 12/2018
Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg:
207 800 €
The project deals with one of the last major gaps in research on the NS regime: the supreme state authorities and their involvement in NS crimes. After decades of research oriented towards political history had marginalized the importance of the "assimilated" state authorities, attention has recently been drawn to this research desideratum in connection with studies of administrative history.
Institutionalising the law of nature and nations: The universities of Kiel, Greifswald and Rostock 1648–1806
Project management
Dr. Mikkel Munthe Jensen
07/2022 - 06/2026
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
350 000 €
The project is about the history of the teaching of natural law at the three north German universities in Kiel, Greifswald and Rostock during the period 1648–1806. It is concerned with why, how and to what extent this academic discipline developed in three different political settings along the Baltic coast. The project is based on the general presumption that natural law was of great significance for the period’s intellectual development and state building endeavours. The general aim of the…
Kolleg-Research Group "Religion and Urbanity"
Project management
10/2018 - 09/2026
Several donors
10 500 000 €
Susanne Rau & Jörg Rüpke: Cities and religion(s) have had a deep impact on each other. Up to now, research has focused on religion in cities - on the reciprocal changes in religious practices and urban space, at best in "global cities" and in the present. We want to fill the research gap that has arisen in this way by investigating the historical depth of the reciprocal formation within the framework of a collegiate research group.
M.S. Merian – R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies "Metamorphoses of the Political" (ICAS-MP)
Project management
08/2015 - 06/2027
Several donors
380 519 €
Martin Fuchs: ICAS-MP combines the benefits of an open, interdisciplinary forum for intellectual exchange with the advantages of a cutting-edge research centre. The centre focuses on key political processes that have emerged in parallel in many parts of the world during the twentieth century through to the present day, processes that are entangled yet heterogeneous.
Nutrition, Health and Modern Society: Germany and the United States
Project management
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Martschukat
10/2015 - 10/2018
1 000 000 €
The research project aims to work out the significance of nutrition and health for the order of modern societies from the 19th century to the present. The empirical focus is on the USA and Germany, so that regional differences as well as the dynamics of interdependence in globalizing constellations become apparent.
Religion and Politics in Protestant Sermons of the 16th and 17th Century in the Thuringian-Saxon Region
Project management
Dr. Kathrin Paasch
10/2008 - 03/2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
101 000 €
Due to its denominational anchoring, the Gotha Research Library has a reference collection for the history of Central German Protestantism in the 16th and 17th centuries. An extremely extensive collection of sermons is part of this outstanding tradition. The aim of the project is to make the collection of political sermons accessible to the interested public online.
Stategies of Collecting an Displaying China in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Gotha's Chinese Cabinet
Project management
Dr. Emily Teo
05/2021 - 04/2024
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
300 000 €
My research project brings renewed attention to a significant Chinese collection in early-nineteenth-century Germany, the Chinese Cabinet in Gotha, established by Duke Emil August (1772–1822) of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg from 1804 to 1810. Consisting of over 2000 objects, the Cabinet was a great sensation during the first decades of the nineteenth-century and was described as the most important Chinese collection in continental Europe. However, following the establishment of national museums across…
Theft of Cultural Property
Project management
Prof. Dr. Christiane Kuller
01/2015 - 12/2016
Landeshauptstadt München:
98 600 €
The confiscation of Munich, which initiated one of the largest state art thefts in the area of the Old Empire during the NS era, was carried out by the Secret State Police. However, art experts, art dealers and directors of museums (Bavarian State Painting Collections - Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Bavarian National Museum - Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, the urban gallery - Städtische Galerie, the historical city museum - Historisches Stadtmuseum) as well as state, municipal and NSDAP…

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